In Rent March möchten wir Ihnen helfen, Ihren Urlaub auf Mallorca zu genießen und nach mehr als 30 Jahren Fahrrad- und Motorradverleih in Puerto de Pollensa sind wir entsprechend vorbereitet, Ihnen den besten Rat zu geben, um einen unvergesslichen Urlaub auf Rädern zu genießen: Führer zu den besten Radwegen, Sicherheitstipps, Orte, deren Besuch Sie nicht versäumen sollten, Infos zu "cyclingfriendly" Lokalen etc.
Dieser Blog ist nicht nur ein Führer für Radfahrer auf Mallorca, sondern viel mehr, es ist eine Zusammenstellung von Tipps, Routen, Tricks, geheimen Orten und Empfehlungen, die uns die Erfahrung gezeigt und gelehrt hat, die Ihnen helfen werden, Ihr Fahrrad oder Motorrad zu genießen: ob es ein Straßenrad ist, um Fahrradtourismus zu machen, ein Roller oder Motorrad, um sich leicht um die Insel zu bewegen oder ein Mountainbike, um überall hin fahren zu können. Unter "Auf Rädern" finden Sie Tipps und nützliche Informationen, die Ihnen helfen, Ihren Urlaub auf der besten Insel der Welt optimal zu gestalten.
Mit der Ankunft von März und April wird Mallorca zum Epizentrum des europäischen Radsports. Die Temperaturen werden milder, die Tage werden länger und die Straßen und Wege der Insel füllen sich wieder mit Radfahrern, die entweder trainieren oder einfach das Paradies auf zwei Rädern genießen möchten. Wenn du in den kommenden Monaten nach Mallorca reisen möchtest, um die beste Zeit für den Radsport zu erleben, hilft dir dieser Artikel, dich optimal vorzubereiten und das Beste aus deiner Erfahrung herauszuholen.Warum sind März und April ideal für den Radsport auf Mallorca?Mallorca ist das ganze Jahr über ein erstklassiges Radsportziel, doch der Frühling ist zweifellos die beste Zeit zum Radfahren. Hier sind einige Gründe, warum März und April die beliebtesten Monate für Radfahrer sind:Perfektes Klima: Temperaturen zwischen 15°C und 22°C, ideal für lange Strecken, ohne unter extremer Hitze zu leiden.Weniger Verkehr: Obwohl die Zahl der Radfahrer steigt, sind die Straßen nicht so überfüllt wie im Sommer, was ein angenehmeres Training ermöglicht. Die Natur in voller Blüte: Der Frühling auf Mallorca bietet spektakuläre Landschaften mit grünen Feldern und blühenden Pflanzen. Radsportveranstaltungen: In diesen Monaten finden verschiedene Rennen und Wettbewerbe statt, wie die Mallorca 312 oder die Challenge Ciclista Mallorca. Wie bereitest du dich auf die Radsportsaison auf Mallorca vor?Wenn du planst, Mallorca im Frühling zu besuchen, ist es wichtig, in guter Form zu sein, um deine Radtouren in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Hier sind einige Vorbereitungstipps: 1. Dein Training planenWenn du längere Zeit nicht gefahren bist oder im Winter nur kürzere Einheiten absolviert hast, empfehlen wir dir, mit progressiven Ausdauertrainingseinheiten zu beginnen. Eine solide Grundlage an gefahrenen Kilometern hilft dir, die Steigungen der Serra de Tramuntana oder die langen Küstenrouten besser zu bewältigen. Trainiere 3 bis 5 Tage pro Woche, indem du lange Fahrten mit intensiven Einheiten kombinierst.Integriere Krafttraining, um deine Beine zu stärken und deine Kletterleistung zu verbessern.Übe Tempowechsel mit kurzen Bergsprints und Sprints auf flachem Terrain. 2. Ernährung und Flüssigkeitszufuhr anpassenDein Körper benötigt Energie und Regeneration, um die Anforderungen des Radsports auf Mallorca zu bewältigen: Trinke ausreichend vor, während und nach jeder Tour.Erhöhe deine Aufnahme von komplexen Kohlenhydraten, um während des Trainings eine konstante Energiezufuhr zu haben.Vernachlässige nicht das Eiweiß, um die Muskelregeneration zu fördern.3. Die richtige Ausrüstung für die Insel mitnehmenObwohl das Wetter im Frühling angenehm ist, solltest du auf plötzliche Wetteränderungen vorbereitet sein. In März und April kann es gelegentlich zu Regen und Wind in bestimmten Gebieten kommen. Trage technische Kleidung in Schichten, um dich an Temperaturschwankungen anzupassen.Nimm eine leichte Windjacke mit, wenn du in der Serra de Tramuntana unterwegs bist.Vergiss nicht Sonnenbrille und Sonnenschutz, da die mallorquinische Sonne zu dieser Jahreszeit bereits intensiv sein kann. Die besten Routen für die Radsportsaison auf MallorcaWenn du Mallorca im Frühling besuchst, sind dies einige der besten empfohlenen Strecken, um zu trainieren und die Insel zu genießen: 1. Cap de Formentor (Puerto Pollensa Leuchtturm von Formentor) Distanz: 40 km Hin- und Rückweg. | Gesamthöhenmeter: 800 m | Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel Eine der ikonischsten und spektakulärsten Routen auf Mallorca. Mit ihren engen Kurven und atemberaubenden Aussichten ist sie eine Strecke, die jeder Radfahrer mindestens einmal befahren sollte. 2. Sa Calobra: Die ultimative Herausforderung Distanz 100 km (je nach Startpunkt) | Gesamthöhenmeter: 2.000 m | Schwierigkeitsgrad: Hoch Sa Calobra ist der berühmteste Anstieg Mallorcas und eine Herausforderung für jeden Radfahrer. Mit 26 Haarnadelkurven und einer durchschnittlichen Steigung von 7 % ist es eine ultimative Prüfung für Ausdauer und Technik. 3. Llucmajor Randa Cura: Mittelgebirgstraining Distanz: 60 km | Gesamthöhenmeter: 1.000 m | Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel Wenn du eine weniger anspruchsvolle Strecke als Sa Calobra suchst, aber dennoch einige Höhenmeter bewältigen möchtest, ist der Aufstieg zum Puig de Randa ideal. Er bietet spektakuläre Ausblicke von der Spitze und ruhige Straßen für ein angenehmes Training. Miete dein Fahrrad bei RentMarch und genieße Mallorca in vollen Zügen Wenn du dein eigenes Fahrrad nicht mitbringen möchtest oder ein hochwertiges Modell ausprobieren willst, bietet dir RentMarch die besten Rennräder, Mountainbikes und E-Bikes, damit du Mallorca sorgenfrei genießen kannst. Erstklassige Fahrräder, perfekt eingestellt und gewartet.Liefer- und Abholservice direkt zu deiner Unterkunft.Individuelle Beratung, um die beste Route entsprechend deinem Niveau zu wählen. Book your bike now and get ready to live an unforgettable experience in Mallorca.
Rent March befindet sich in Puerto Pollensa im Norden Mallorcas, bietet jedoch aufregende Routenempfehlungen für eine Fahrradtour nach Palma, der Hauptstadt der Insel. Diese Touren führen durch historische Städte, atemberaubende Küsten und einzigartige Orte wie S'Estanyol. Bereiten Sie sich auf ein unvergessliches Radfahrerlebnis vor. Empfohlene Routen von Puerto Pollensa nach Palma 1. Puerto Pollensa - Alcúdia - Can Picafort - Palma Distanz: 60 km Schwierigkeit: Mittel Beschreibung: Diese Route beginnt entlang der Küste von Puerto Pollensa nach Alcúdia, einer charmanten Altstadt mit mittelalterlichen Mauern. Weiter geht es nach Can Picafort, wo Sie einen kurzen Stopp einlegen können, um den Meerblick zu genießen. Von dort aus führt die Route entlang der Küstenstraße nach Palma. Highlight: In Alcúdia lohnt sich ein Besuch des Hafens und der lokalen Restaurants. 2. Puerto Pollensa - Santa María del Camí - Palma Distanz: 65 km Schwierigkeit: Fortgeschritten Beschreibung: Diese Route führt durch das Herz Mallorcas, vorbei an kleinen Städten wie Pollença und Inca. Santa María del Camí ist bekannt für seine Weinberge und den traditionellen Markt am Sonntag. Highlight: Eine Weinverkostung in Santa María del Camí ist ein Muss für Genussliebhaber. 3. Puerto Pollensa - S'Estanyol - Palma Distanz: 75 km Schwierigkeit: Mittel-Fortgeschritten Beschreibung: Von Puerto Pollensa fahren Sie Richtung Alcúdia und weiter ins Landesinnere nach S'Estanyol. Dieser Küstenort bietet ruhige Buchten und herrliche Landschaften, bevor Sie die letzten flachen Kilometer nach Palma zurücklegen. Highlight: Erkunden Sie die versteckten Buchten in S'Estanyol, perfekt für eine Pause und einen Moment der Ruhe. 4. Puerto Pollensa - Inca - Palma Distanz: 70 km Schwierigkeit: Mittel Beschreibung: Diese Strecke kombiniert Hauptstraßen mit ländlichen Wegen. Inca, bekannt als die Hauptstadt des Leders, ist ein idealer Zwischenstopp, um die handgefertigten Produkte der Region zu entdecken. Von Inca aus führt die Route direkt nach Palma. Highlight: Besuchen Sie die traditionellen Märkte von Inca, insbesondere donnerstags. Tipps für eine Sicherere und Angenehme Fahrt Vorbereitung: Überprüfen Sie vor der Abfahrt die Bremsen, Reifen und Ihr gesamtes Equipment. Wasser und Snacks: Packen Sie ausreichend Wasser und Energieriegel für lange Fahrten ein. Navigation: Verwenden Sie Karten-Apps wie Komoot oder Google Maps, um sich auf der Strecke zu orientieren. Früher Start: Vermeiden Sie die Mittagshitze und starten Sie früh am Morgen. Unsere Fahrradmodelle Bei Rent March bieten wir eine große Auswahl an hochwertigen Fahrrädern: Rennräder: Perfekt für lange und schnelle Strecken. E-Bikes: Für zusätzlichen Komfort bei anspruchsvollen Touren. Mountainbikes: Ideal für Offroad-Strecken und schwieriges Gelände. City-Bikes: Bequem für entspannte Fahrten. Alle Modelle ansehen ? Standort: Puerto Pollensa, Mallorca ? Besuchen Sie unsere Website ? Telefon: +34 669 983 456 ? Email:
Wenn Sie eine Reise nach Mallorca planen und gerne Rad fahren, haben Sie Glück. Mallorca, bekannt als das Paradies für Radfahrer, bietet einige der besten Straßen, Aussichten und Radwege in Europa. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Profi sind oder einfach nur eine gemütliche Fahrt entlang der Küste genießen möchten dieses mediterrane Juwel hat für jeden etwas zu bieten. In diesem Leitfaden werden wir die besten Radwege, die besten Reisezeiten und wie Rent March Ihr Erlebnis mit Mallorca-Fahrradverleih und vielem mehr verbessern kann, erkunden. Warum Mallorca ein Paradies für Radfahrer ist Mallorca ist berühmt für sein mildes Wetter, malerische Landschaften und gut gepflegte Straßen, die Radfahrer aus der ganzen Welt anziehen. Das vielfältige Gelände der Insel ermöglicht es Ihnen, sowohl flache Küstenrouten als auch herausfordernde Berganstiege zu genießen und das alles an einem Tag. Die Serra de Tramuntana, ein UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe, ist einer der Hauptanziehungspunkte für Radsportbegeisterte und bietet atemberaubende Anstiege und spektakuläre Meeresblicke. Darüber hinaus beherbergt Mallorca mehrere professionelle Radsportteams, die sich dafür entscheiden, in den Wintermonaten auf der Insel zu trainieren, was beweist, dass Mallorca ein erstklassiges Ziel für Radfahrer aller Niveaus ist. Die besten Radwege, die Sie nicht verpassen dürfen Was Radwege auf Mallorca betrifft, so gibt es viele Optionen zur Auswahl, egal ob Sie Anfänger oder erfahrener Fahrer sind. Einige der unverzichtbaren Routen sind: Sa Calobra Loop: Bekannt für seine kurvenreichen Straßen und herausfordernden Anstiege, ist diese Route ein Favorit für diejenigen, die ihre Grenzen austesten möchten. Cap de Formentor: Eine Küstenfahrt mit atemberaubenden Klippenblicken und dem Meer, die am Leuchtturm endet. Palma nach Andratx: Eine weniger anspruchsvolle, aber ebenso malerische Route, die durch charmante Dörfer führt und Panoramablicke bietet. Weitere detaillierte Informationen finden Sie in unserem umfassenden Leitfaden zu Radwegen auf Mallorca. Mallorca Fahrradverleih: Was Sie wissen müssen Wenn Sie ohne eigenes Fahrrad nach Mallorca kommen oder einfach hochwertiges Equipment mieten möchten, hat Rent March alles, was Sie brauchen. Mit einer großen Auswahl an Rennrädern, Mountainbikes und Elektrofahrrädern stellen wir sicher, dass Sie das perfekte Fahrrad für Ihr Abenteuer haben. Darüber hinaus sorgt unser einfaches Buchungssystem dafür, dass Ihr Fahrrad bei Ihrer Ankunft bereitsteht. Erfahren Sie mehr über unseren Mallorca-Fahrradverleih und entdecken Sie, wie wir Ihr Radfahrerlebnis auf der Insel verbessern können. Wie Rent March Ihr Radfahrerlebnis verbessert Bei Rent March verleihen wir nicht nur Fahrräder wir sind hier, um Ihre gesamte Radreise zu unterstützen. Unser erfahrenes Personal kann Ihnen die besten Routen basierend auf Ihren Vorlieben und Ihrem Fitnesslevel empfehlen. Brauchen Sie Anpassungen an Ihrem Fahrrad? Unsere Werkstatt bietet schnelle Reparaturen, Einstellungen und allgemeine Wartung, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen machen müssen. Außerdem wissen wir, dass Radfahren nicht die einzige Möglichkeit ist, Mallorca zu erkunden. Manchmal ist eine schnelle Fahrt mit dem Roller alles, was Sie brauchen, um die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Insel in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu erleben. Rollerverleih: Mallorca auf einfache Weise erkunden Für diejenigen, die eine schnellere Möglichkeit suchen, die Insel zu erkunden, bietet Rent March hochwertige Roller und Motorräder zur Miete an. Mit einem Roller können Sie problemlos die charmanten Dörfer, Strände und versteckten Schätze Mallorcas erkunden und dabei die mediterrane Brise genießen. Bereit, Mallorca auf zwei Rädern zu erkunden? Entdecken Sie unseren Rollerverleih auf Mallorca und machen Sie das Beste aus Ihrem Besuch. Fahrradwartung und -reparatur: Bleiben Sie auf der Straße Wenn Sie ein ernsthafter Radfahrer sind, wissen Sie, wie wichtig es ist, Ihr Fahrrad in einwandfreiem Zustand zu halten, insbesondere wenn Sie sich den rauen Straßen Mallorcas stellen. Rent March bietet vollständige Wartungsdienste für Fahrräder an, von schnellen Reparaturen bis hin zu umfassenden Einstellungen, damit nichts zwischen Ihnen und der offenen Straße steht. Egal, ob Sie ein Fahrrad mieten oder Ihr eigenes mitbringen, unsere erfahrenen Mechaniker sind für Sie da. Wann ist die beste Zeit zum Radfahren auf Mallorca? Ein Grund, warum Mallorca bei Radfahrern so beliebt ist, ist das ausgezeichnete Klima das ganze Jahr über. Die besten Monate für einen Besuch sind jedoch in der Regel von Februar bis Mai und von September bis November. In dieser Zeit sind die Temperaturen mild und die Straßen weniger überfüllt. Wenn Sie ruhigere Routen und kühleres Wetter bevorzugen, ist der Herbst ideal. Der Frühling bietet wunderschöne blühende Landschaften, was ihn zu einer beliebten Wahl für Radfahrer macht, die während ihrer Fahrt malerische Ausblicke genießen möchten. Radveranstaltungen und Erlebnisse auf Mallorca Mallorca ist das ganze Jahr über Gastgeber zahlreicher Radsportveranstaltungen, von entspannten Gruppenfahrten bis hin zu professionellen Rennen. Die Mallorca 312 ist eine der berühmtesten Veranstaltungen der Insel und zieht Tausende von Radfahrern zu einer herausfordernden 312 Kilometer langen Strecke an. Es gibt auch kleinere, entspanntere Veranstaltungen für diejenigen, die die Landschaft der Insel ohne Wettkampfdruck genießen möchten. Egal, ob Sie für eine Veranstaltung hier sind oder einfach in Ihrem eigenen Tempo erkunden möchten Mallorca hat alles, was ein Radfahrer sich wünschen kann. Fazit Mit seinen atemberaubenden Landschaften, gut gepflegten Straßen und perfektem Wetter ist Mallorca der Traum eines jeden Radfahrers. Egal, ob Sie anspruchsvolle Bergstrecken bewältigen oder die Küste gemütlich erkunden Rent March sorgt dafür, dass Sie die beste Ausrüstung und Unterstützung für Ihr Abenteuer haben. Vom hochwertigen Mallorca-Fahrradverleih bis hin zum Rollerverleih auf Mallorca wir sind bestrebt, Ihr Erlebnis auf der Insel unvergesslich zu machen. Planen Sie Ihre Reise, mieten Sie ein Fahrrad und beginnen Sie Ihre Radtour durch eines der schönsten Radziele der Welt!
Nach der Hektik des Sommers verwandelt sich die Insel mit milderem Wetter und weniger überfüllten Straßen - die perfekte Zeit, um die Insel mit dem Fahrrad zu erkunden. Wenn Sie die Schönheit Mallorcas auf zwei Rädern genießen möchten, dann ist der September der ideale Monat dafür. Perfektes Wetter zum Radfahren Einer der Hauptvorteile beim Radfahren auf Mallorca im September ist das Wetter. Die Temperaturen sind milder und bewegen sich zwischen 20 und 28°C, was perfekte Bedingungen für längere Fahrten ohne die intensive Sommerhitze schafft. Darüber hinaus machen die sanfte mediterrane Brise und der klare Himmel jede Fahrt noch angenehmer. Weniger Menschenmassen, Mehr Platz zum Genießen Mit dem Rückgang des Massentourismus bietet der September ein ruhigeres und authentischeres Erleben der Insel. Küstenwege, Bergrouten und Dörfer sind dann besser zugänglich, so dass Sie Ihre Ausritte ohne die üblichen Menschenmassen genießen können. Das bedeutet mehr Platz für Sie und ein entspannteres und sichereres Radfahrerlebnis. Umwerfende Spätsommerlandschaften Der September ist ein Monat, in dem die Landschaften Mallorcas in einem besonderen Licht erstrahlen. Die Felder sind noch grün, die Weinreben zeigen ihre reifen Trauben und die Küste sieht mit ihrem kristallklaren Wasser spektakulär aus. Empfohlene Routen für September Serra de Tramuntana Route: Genießen Sie eine der kultigsten Routen Mallorcas mit atemberaubenden Aussichten. Küstenroute von Pollensa nach Alcudia: Perfekt, um das Meer und die Küstenlandschaft zu genießen. Da weniger Touristen unterwegs sind, ist diese Route ideal, um im eigenen Tempo zu radeln. Zurück nach Llucmajor: Eine entspanntere Route, die Sie durch die Felder und Weinberge des Inselinneren führt und einen Einblick in das ländliche Mallorca bietet. Radsportveranstaltungen im September Der September ist auch ein lebhafter Monat für Radsportveranstaltungen auf Mallorca. Von lokalen Rennen bis hin zu Radsporttreffen ist dies die perfekte Gelegenheit, sich mit anderen Radsportbegeisterten zu treffen und die Atmosphäre der Gemeinschaft zu genießen. Worauf Warten Sie Also Noch? Kommen Sie und mieten Sie Ihr Fahrrad bei RentMarch und beginnen Sie Ihr Abenteuer. Mallorca wartet, und der perfekte Monat, um die Insel auf zwei Rädern zu erkunden, ist da.
Wir von Rent March wissen, dass eines der größten Vergnügen beim Radfahren auf Mallorca darin besteht, die Landschaften und Wege zu genießen. Aber wir wissen auch, dass die Sommerhitze eine Herausforderung sein kann, um während unserer Touren fit und sicher zu bleiben. In diesem Artikel geben wir Ihnen einige wichtige Tipps, damit Sie ausreichend Flüssigkeit zu sich nehmen und das Beste aus Ihren Radabenteuern machen können. Vorhydratation: Beginnen Sie damit, bevor Sie losfahren Die richtige Flüssigkeitszufuhr beginnt nicht erst, wenn Sie schon auf dem Rad sind. Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie genügend Wasser trinken, bevor Sie losfahren. Ein guter Tipp ist, etwa zwei Stunden vor dem Start 500 ml bis 1 Liter Wasser zu trinken. Das hilft Ihrem Körper, einen ausreichenden Wasserhaushalt aufrechtzuerhalten. Tragen Sie immer Wasser bei sich Gehen Sie nie ohne Wasser los. Verwenden Sie eine Wasserflasche oder ein Trinksystem, wie z. B. einen Camelback, mit dem Sie während des Radfahrens leicht Zugang zu Wasser haben. Wir empfehlen, mindestens 500 ml Wasser für jede Stunde Fahrt mitzunehmen. Wenn Sie länger unterwegs sind, sollten Sie eine zusätzliche Flasche mitnehmen. Trinken Sie regelmäßig: Warten Sie nicht, bis Sie durstig sind Durst ist ein Zeichen dafür, dass Ihr Körper bereits zu dehydrieren beginnt. Um dies zu vermeiden, sollten Sie einen Zeitplan für das Trinken von Wasser aufstellen, z. B. alle 15-20 Minuten, auch wenn Sie keinen Durst verspüren. Dies hilft Ihnen, Ihren Flüssigkeitshaushalt konstant zu halten. Elektrolyte: nicht nur Wasser Auf langen, heißen Fahrten verlieren Sie durch den Schweiß Salze und Mineralien. Ziehen Sie isotonische Getränke oder Elektrolytergänzungen in Betracht, um diese wichtigen Mineralien wieder aufzufüllen. In Fachgeschäften finden Sie zahlreiche Optionen. Kleidung und Sonnenschutz Neben der Flüssigkeitszufuhr ist auch der Schutz vor der Sonne wichtig. Tragen Sie helle, leichte Kleidung, die die Sonnenstrahlen reflektiert. Vergessen Sie nicht, Sonnenschutzmittel mit einem angemessenen Lichtschutzfaktor zu verwenden und, wenn möglich, einen Helm mit Visier zu tragen, um die direkte Sonneneinstrahlung zu verringern. Planung Ihrer Route Bevor Sie sich auf den Weg machen, sollten Sie sich informieren und Ihre Route planen. Ermitteln Sie Orte, an denen Sie anhalten und Ihre Wasservorräte auffüllen können. In Pollensa und Umgebung gibt es mehrere Brunnen und Bars, an denen Sie anhalten können, um Wasser zu trinken. Nutzen Sie diese strategischen Punkte, um sich auszuruhen und Ihre Batterien wieder aufzuladen. Symptome der Dehydrierung: Erkennen und vorbeugen Es ist wichtig, die Symptome einer Dehydrierung zu erkennen, die sich in übermäßigem Durst, Mundtrockenheit, dunklem Urin, Müdigkeit und Schwindel äußern können. Wenn Sie eines dieser Symptome bemerken, halten Sie an, trinken Sie Wasser und suchen Sie Schatten oder einen kühlen Ort zum Ausruhen auf. Flüssigkeitszufuhr nach dem Lauf Vergessen Sie nicht, nach der Fahrt zu rehydrieren. Trinken Sie Wasser und ziehen Sie ein Elektrolytgetränk in Betracht, damit sich Ihr Körper erholen kann. Es ist auch ein guter Zeitpunkt, Obst und wasserreiche Lebensmittel wie Wassermelone oder Melone zu essen, um Flüssigkeit und Mineralsalze wieder aufzufüllen. Wir von Rent March helfen Ihnen, das Beste aus Ihren Radtouren herauszuholen. Mit diesen Tipps zur Flüssigkeitszufuhr werden Ihre Sommerausflüge mit Sicherheit sicherer und angenehmer. Kommen Sie und mieten Sie Ihr Fahrrad bei uns und entdecken Sie alle Ecken, die diese schöne Insel zu bieten hat!
Suchst du nach aufregenden Herausforderungen auf zwei Rädern? Bei Rent March laden wir dich ein, die faszinierende Welt der Brevets und Randonnées zu entdecken, zwei Formen des Langstreckenradfahrens, die dich durch atemberaubende Landschaften und unvergessliche Herausforderungen führen werden. Aber was genau sind Brevet und Randonnées, und wie kannst du daran teilnehmen?Brevet und Randonnées: Radfahren in seiner besten FormBrevet, ein französisches Wort, das Lizenz bedeutet, sind Ausdauertests, bei denen die Teilnehmer Langstrecken innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit absolvieren. Diese sind keine Wettbewerbe, sondern persönliche Herausforderungen, die körperliche und geistige Stärke erfordern. Die Teilnehmer erhalten eine Streckenkarte, die an Kontrollpunkten entlang der Route gestempelt werden muss. Die Entfernungen der Brevet variieren und reichen von 200 bis 1200 Kilometern, mit festgelegten Maximalzeiten für jede Distanz.Für diejenigen, die noch größere Herausforderungen suchen, sind Randonnées hochklassige Radsportveranstaltungen, die Strecken von 1200 Kilometern oder mehr umfassen. Um an einer Randonnée teilzunehmen, müssen Radfahrer im selben Jahr eine Serie von Brevet abgeschlossen haben. Diese Prüfungen sind ein echter Test für Ausdauer und Entschlossenheit, und nur die engagiertesten Radfahrer wagen sich daran.Regeln für Brevet: Gewährleistung einer sicheren ErfahrungDie Regeln für Brevet sind streng und gewährleisten Sicherheit und Fairness für alle Teilnehmer. Nur der Audax Club Parisien hat die Autorität, die Brevet des Randonneur Mondiaux weltweit zu homologieren. Es werden klare Regeln bezüglich Anmeldung, Pflichtausrüstung, Nachtfahrten und Einhaltung der Kontrollzeiten festgelegt.Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Brevet keine Wettbewerbe sind und keine Ranglisten nach Zeit erstellt werden. Allerdings können die Teilnehmer spezielle Medaillen als Anerkennung für das Absolvieren der Herausforderung erwerben.Erkunde Mallorca auf zwei Rädern mit Rent MarchBei Rent March sind wir bestrebt, dir die beste Raderfahrung in Mallorca zu bieten. Unser Expertenteam hilft dir bei der Vorbereitung auf deine Brevet-Herausforderungen und stellt dir die notwendige Ausrüstung und das Wissen zur Verfügung, um jede Route zu meistern. Von leistungsstarken Rennradvermietungen bis hin zu abenteuerbereiten Mountainbikes haben wir alles, was du für deine Radabenteuer brauchst.Schließe dich uns in Puerto Pollensa an und entdecke die aufregende Welt der Brevet und Randonnées. Mit atemberaubenden Landschaften, spannenden Herausforderungen und einer einladenden Atmosphäre ist Mallorca das perfekte Ziel für deine nächsten Radabenteuer.Bei Rent March sind wir hier, um dir zu helfen, deine Radräume wahr werden zu lassen. Kontaktiere uns noch heute, um dein nächstes Abenteuer auf zwei Rädern zu beginnen!
Mit der spürbaren Aufregung in der Luft und dem Summen von Motoren in der Ferne freuen wir uns, unsere bevorstehende Eröffnung bekannt zu geben! Wir können es kaum erwarten, unsere Türen am Freitag, den 1. März zu öffnen und mit Ihnen dieses aufregende Abenteuer zu beginnen. Bei RentMarch sind wir nicht nur darauf bedacht, Ihnen erstklassige Mietdienstleistungen anzubieten, sondern auch Teil einer breiteren Gemeinschaft leidenschaftlicher Radfahrer und Motorradfahrer zu sein. Deshalb möchten wir heute einige der unglaublichen CyclingFriendly-Lokale hervorheben und feiern, die Sie auf unserer Insel finden können. Son Corb Boutique Hotel Son Corb, ein wunderschönes Boutique-Hotel an der Ostküste Mallorcas, ist ein idealer Ort für Radsportbegeisterte und bietet ideale Einrichtungen zur Aufbewahrung Ihres Fahrrads und liegt in einer perfekten Gegend, um Ihre Routen zu starten. Restaurant S'Angel Nach einem Tag voller Abenteuer beim Radfahren oder Motorradfahren gibt es nichts Schöneres, als in einer gemütlichen Atmosphäre ein köstliches Essen zu genießen. Das Restaurant S'Angel in dem charmanten Dorf Valldemossa ist bekannt für seine ausgezeichnete mediterrane Küche und die herzliche Gastfreundschaft gegenüber Radfahrern und Motorradfahrern. Ruta de la Serra de Tramuntana Für diejenigen, die eine wirklich unvergessliche Rad- oder Motorraderfahrung suchen, ist die Ruta de la Serra de Tramuntana ein Muss. Diese beeindruckende Strecke schlängelt sich entlang der atemberaubenden Berge der Sierra de Tramuntana und bietet Panoramablicke, kurvenreiche Straßen und eine ordentliche Portion Herausforderungen für Liebhaber des Radfahrens und Motorradfahrens. Dies sind nur einige Beispiele der vielen CyclingFriendly-Lokale, die Sie auf Mallorca finden können. Während wir uns darauf vorbereiten, unsere Türen zu öffnen, freuen wir uns darauf, diesem Netzwerk von Einrichtungen beizutreten, die sich der Rad- und Motorradgemeinschaft auf der Insel verpflichtet fühlen. Bleiben Sie dran auf unserem Blog für weitere Informationen zu unseren Mietangeboten, Produkten, Routen und besonderen Veranstaltungen. Denken Sie daran, nur noch zwei Wochen bis zur großen Eröffnung! Bis bald!
Mallorca, bekannt für seine sonnigen Strände und sein quirliges Sommerleben, birgt ein Wintergeheimnis, das nur wenige entdecken: seinen Charme beim Radfahren in der kühleren Jahreszeit. Wenn die Sommerhitze einer kühleren Brise weicht, finden Radfahrbegeisterte auf der Baleareninsel ein unerwartetes Paradies auf Rädern.Stille und WeiteDer Winter bringt eine ruhige Verwandlung nach Mallorca. Die Menschenmassen, die in den Sommermonaten die Straßen bevölkern, verschwinden und hinterlassen eine perfekte Umgebung für Radfahrer. Die Straßen sind besser befahrbar und weniger verstopft, was Ihnen die Freiheit gibt, die Insel in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu erkunden. Diese Jahreszeit bietet eine einmalige Gelegenheit, das wahre Wesen Mallorcas abseits des Touristenrummels kennenzulernen.Angenehmes Wetter und malerische LandschaftenObwohl der Winter kühlere Temperaturen mit sich bringt, ist das Wetter auf Mallorca zu dieser Jahreszeit ideal zum Radfahren. Die sengende Hitze des Sommers weicht kühleren, milderen Tagen, so dass man die Strecken ohne die Last der Sonne radeln kann. Darüber hinaus sind die Winterlandschaften Mallorcas nicht von dieser Welt: grüne Täler, majestätische Berge und malerische Dörfer bieten ein einzigartiges visuelles Erlebnis.Landschaftlich reizvolle Routen und abwechslungsreiches TerrainAuf Mallorca gibt es eine Vielzahl von Radwegen für alle Schwierigkeitsgrade. Von sanften Küstenrouten bis hin zu anspruchsvollen Bergtouren gibt es Optionen für jeden Radfahrertyp. Im Winter bieten einige Routen sogar ein noch spezielleres Erlebnis: Die Abwesenheit von Touristen ermöglicht es Ihnen, ikonische Gebiete wie das Tramuntana-Gebirge oder die Küstenstraßen mit einer Gelassenheit zu erkunden, die nur in dieser Jahreszeit zu finden ist.Wohlbefinden und AbgeschiedenheitRadfahren im Winter tut nicht nur dem Körper gut, sondern auch dem Geist. Das Gefühl der Freiheit beim Radfahren durch die mallorquinischen Landschaften in Verbindung mit körperlicher Betätigung fördert das allgemeine Wohlbefinden. Darüber hinaus ist der Winter eine Gelegenheit, abzuschalten und in das ruhige Wesen der Insel einzutauchen, weit weg von der üblichen Hektik und Betriebsamkeit.Mallorca im Winter bietet ein völlig anderes Raderlebnis. Die Kombination aus angenehmen Wetterbedingungen, spektakulären Landschaften und dem Ausbleiben von Menschenmassen macht dies zur perfekten Zeit, um die Insel auf zwei Rädern zu erkunden.
Wir von Rentmarch verstehen den Nervenkitzel und die Freiheit, die mit einer Tour durch Mallorcas herrliche Landschaften auf zwei Rädern einhergehen. Unser Roller- und Motorradverleih ist darauf ausgerichtet, Ihnen ein unvergessliches und bequemes Erlebnis zu bieten, während Sie die Insel erkunden.Das Mieten von Motorrädern auf Mallorca ist eine der aufregendsten Möglichkeiten, die vielfältige Umgebung und die atemberaubenden Ausblicke zu genießen. Mit unseren Motorrollern können Sie die kurvenreichen Straßen entlang der Küste befahren, charmante Bergdörfer erkunden und in die lokale Kultur eintauchen - alles in Ihrem eigenen Tempo.Warum sollten Sie Mallorca mit einem Motorroller erkunden? Roller sind die ideale Wahl, um die Insel zu erkunden, denn sie sind wendig, leicht zu handhaben und ermöglichen den Zugang zu Orten, die mit anderen Verkehrsmitteln schwieriger zu erreichen wären. Mit einem Roller können Sie sich problemlos durch die engen Straßen der historischen Zentren bewegen und versteckte Ecken erreichen, die mit dem Auto nicht zugänglich sind.Wenn Sie einen Motorroller bei Rentmarch mieten, garantieren wir Ihnen eine problemlose Erfahrung. Unser Team ist bestrebt, Ihnen einen außergewöhnlichen Service zu bieten und dafür zu sorgen, dass Ihr Roller in einwandfreiem Zustand ist und Sie überall hinbringt, wohin Sie wollen.Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, Mallorca auf zwei Rädern zu entdecken!Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um Ihren Roller zu buchen und Ihr Abenteuer zu beginnen.
Bei Rent March verstehen wir, dass die Planung der perfekten Fahrradroute mehr als nur die Auswahl von Straßen beinhaltet. In Puerto Pollensa, Mallorca, haben Sie das Glück, eine Vielzahl atemberaubender Landschaften und Routen erkunden zu können. Hier sind einige praktische Tipps zur Erstellung Ihrer perfekten Fahrradroute unter Berücksichtigung wichtiger Faktoren sowie einige Empfehlungen zu den charmanten Dörfern, die Sie auf Ihrer Reise entdecken können. Und wenn Sie Fahrräder auf Mallorca mieten möchten, sind Sie bei Rent March genau richtig!1. Berücksichtigen Sie Ihre körperliche VerfassungBevor Sie sich auf Ihr Fahrradabenteuer begeben, ist es wichtig, Ihre körperliche Verfassung zu bewerten und realistische Ziele zu setzen. Unsere Empfehlungen umfassen:Wenn Sie Anfänger sind oder über eine grundlegende körperliche Verfassung verfügen, empfehlen wir kürzere und flachere Strecken wie einen entspannten Spaziergang entlang der Strandpromenade von Puerto Pollensa oder einen Besuch im ruhigen Dorf Alcúdia, wo Sie Fahrräder mieten können.Fortgeschrittene Radfahrer können sich auf anspruchsvollere Strecken wagen, wie die Hügel der Serra de Tramuntana oder das Wahrzeichen von Formentor. Wenn Sie in Mallorca Rennräder mieten möchten, bieten wir bei Rent March eine Auswahl hochwertiger Fahrräder.2. Berücksichtigen Sie die JahreszeitJede Jahreszeit in Mallorca hat ihre eigene Schönheit und Herausforderungen für das Radfahren:Frühling und Herbst: Ideal zum Radfahren, mit angenehmen Temperaturen und weniger Verkehr auf den Straßen. Dies ist perfekt für längere und bergige Routen wie den Aufstieg nach Lluc oder die Route der Klöster.Sommer: Vermeiden Sie die heißesten Stunden des Tages, tragen Sie Sonnenschutzmittel und bringen Sie ausreichend Wasser mit. Küstenrouten wie die von Alcúdia nach Artà sind erfrischend und schön.Winter: Obwohl es kälter ist, können Sie immer noch das Radfahren genießen. Entscheiden Sie sich für kürzere Routen und bewundern Sie die atemberaubenden Aussichten auf den Hügeln der Serra de Tramuntana.3. Beachten Sie den VerkehrDer Verkehrsaufkommen auf den Straßen kann je nach Tageszeit und Saison variieren. Einige Empfehlungen für den Umgang mit dem Verkehr sind:Konsultieren Sie Einheimische oder Experten, um Informationen zu weniger befahrenen Routen zu erhalten.Vermeiden Sie Hauptstraßen während der Stoßzeiten und wählen Sie Nebenstraßen oder ruhigere Wege.Führen Sie immer Lichter und Sichtbarkeitsmittel mit sich, insbesondere wenn Sie bei Sonnenaufgang oder Sonnenuntergang Fahrrad fahren.4. Entdecken Sie die charmanten DörferEine der Freuden des Fahrradfahrens in Mallorca sind die charmanten Dörfer, die Sie unterwegs entdecken können:Alcúdia: Mit seiner befestigten Altstadt und einem lebhaften Wochenmarkt ist Alcúdia perfekt für eine Pause und ein Essen. Verpassen Sie nicht die Möglichkeit, die Kirche von Pollença während Ihrer Tour zu besichtigen.Pollença: Dieses wunderschöne Dorf ist bekannt für seinen Hauptplatz und kulturellen Festivals. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, die Kirche von Pollença zu besuchen.Cala Sant Vicenç: Ein malerischer Ort mit kristallklaren Buchten. Hier können Sie sich nach einem Tag auf dem Fahrrad erfrischen.Bei Rent March machen wir das Mieten von Fahrrädern auf Mallorca einfach und zugänglich für Sie. Jetzt sind Sie bereit, Ihre perfekte Fahrradroute zu planen und die Schönheit von Mallorca auf authentische Weise zu entdecken. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bald bei Rent March zu sehen, damit Ihr Abenteuer beginnen kann!
Träumen Sie davon, die Meeresbrise im Gesicht zu spüren, während Sie die atemberaubenden Routen von Mallorca auf zwei Rädern erkunden? Bei Rent March bieten wir Ihnen eine breite Palette von Mietmotorrad-Optionen, mit denen Sie die Schönheit der Insel wie nie zuvor erleben können. Probieren Sie unsere beiden Arten von Motorrädern aus: Roller und Trail-Bikes. Hier erklären wir, wie sie Ihre Motorradreise auf ein neues Niveau heben können.Roller mieten Mallorca: Entdecken Sie die Stadt auf eine andere ArtEin Roller ist die ideale Wahl, wenn Sie den Norden der Insel und ihre Umgebung erkunden möchten. Ihre kompakte Größe und die einfache Handhabung machen sie zur perfekten Option, um malerische Ecken oder die Stadt Palma zu besuchen. Unsere Roller sind leicht, wendig und perfekt zum Fahren. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht es Ihnen, einen dieser Motorräder zu mieten, den Verkehr zu vermeiden und problemlos Parkplätze zu finden, um Ihr Reiseerlebnis noch angenehmer zu gestalten.Trail-Bikes: Für AbenteuerliebhaberFür diejenigen, die das Adrenalin und die Herausforderung der Motorradrouten auf Mallorca lieben, wird ein Trail-Bike Ihr perfekter Begleiter sein. Diese Motorräder ermöglichen es Ihnen, sowohl die Stadt als auch das bergige Gelände von Mallorca zu erkunden, da sie für den Einsatz auf Asphalt- und Schotterstraßen ausgelegt sind. Wenn Sie längere Ausflüge planen und mehr Komfort und Leistung suchen, sind unsere Trail-Bikes die perfekte Wahl. Sie ermöglichen es Ihnen, die wunderbaren Ausblicke zu genießen, die diese herrliche Insel zu bieten hat, unabhängig von der Beschaffenheit des Geländes.Eine sehr beliebte Option zur Erkundung der InselDas Mieten eines Rollers auf Mallorca hat sich zu einer sehr beliebten Option zur Erkundung der Insel entwickelt. Egal, ob Sie ein Stadterlebnis auf einem Roller oder eine adrenalingeladene Reise auf einem Trail-Bike bevorzugen, bei Rent March haben wir die perfekte Option für Sie. Erleben Sie Mallorca auf völlig neue und unvergessliche Weise; mieten Sie Ihr Motorrad noch heute bei uns und beginnen Sie, die Wunder dieser Insel zu entdecken. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass Sie intensive Emotionen erleben werden, die Sie nie vergessen werden.
At Rent March you will have everything you need. Do you want to be well equipped for your next excursion? Here are some tips, the essentials for a mountain route.Mountain bike: Choose a mountain bike suitable for your needs and skill level. Of course, we recommend the ORBEA MX20 Mountain Bike, light and fast. With a pedigree of performance and unbeatable handling feel for cycling all over our wonderful island of Mallorca. Helmet: The helmet is an essential part of your safety equipment. Look for a helmet that meets safety standards, fits properly on your head and has good ventilation.Gloves: Cycling gloves provide protection and comfort. Choose gloves that fit well, have padding on the palms to absorb vibrations and have a good grip. Hydration system: Especially now in summer, it's important to stay hydrated. You can choose from hydration backpacks or water bottles mounted on the bike frame.Remember that the choice of equipment and accessories will depend on your personal preferences and the type of mountain biking you do. Enjoy your mountain biking trip with your Rent March mountain bike.
Motorcycle routes in Majorca are a tourist attraction and the fans of many Majorcans who confirm that it is the best way to get to know the island. We leave you some of the routes that will allow you to enjoy Mallorca to the fullest.The Sierra de Tramuntana is the main attraction for bikers looking for inland routes with viewpoints to contemplate the beautiful landscape that the island offers. Those who prefer to travel along the coast discover kilometers of coastline where the blue water becomes a faithful travel companion.Sierra de TramuntanaRecognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. This is an easy route to adapt to your rhythm and needs, but in just over 100 kilometers and about three hours you will find the main attractions of this route.Only for lovers of curves: Sa CalobraFew are the bikers who resist doing and repeating this route full of charm and emotion, in addition, it combines mountains, cliffs over the sea and an end on the beach, making the route incredible. A very complete route: Est of MallorcaBeautiful beaches and viewpoints with spectacular views await you if you decide to explore the est area of ??Mallorca. Highly recommended route, the famous Mirador Cap de Formentor, the medieval wall of Pollentia. The Natural Park of S'Albufera, the Necropolis in Son Real, the Natural Park of the Levant and many more destinations.These are some tips to enjoy a large part of the island with one of our rental motorcycles. Enjoy this spectacular island freely on your rental motorcycle.
More than 30 years ago we opened a bicycle rental company in Puerto de Pollensa and since then we have not stopped striving to learn what cyclists who visit our island are looking for: Now we have enough experience to offer you the best service and help you enjoy your holidays in Mallorca on one of our rental bicycles.We have expanded our bike rental shop in Mallorca with other facilities that allow us to have a large stock of rental bikes: We have road bikes, mountain bikes, trekking bikes, urban bikes, electric bikes. We present you some examples of our premium bikes:RoadEnjoy every kilometer of asphalt with our road bikes. If you are looking for an exciting experience in the immense Majorca road network, rent a road bike.ÉMONDA SL 7 DISC DI2 2023MountainA wide category of MTB bicycle, rent a mountain bike to have strong emotions contemplating the spectacular landscapes of the island.ORBEA MX20TrekkingTrekking bike, a bike intended for more or less long raids. Rent your bike to enjoy a wide range of surfaces, take advantage of the versatility that a Trekking bike provides you.TREK FX SPORT 4Urban Urban bicycles, the best option to tour the town or city, forget about traffic jams and retentions and enjoy with total freedom.VERVE+ 1 LOWSTEP DT 500W ELECTRICEbikesRent an electric bicycle, the new urban transport alternative and travel long distances almost effortlessly. You have several options to choose from.TREK DOMANE+At Rent March we have what you need: Ask our staff and they will help you choose the perfect rental bike for you!
Visiting Majorca by bike is one of the best, most striking and free to enjoy the island of Mallorca. We put together a favorable climate to carry out routes, good road conditions will delight your tours. You will immerse yourself in the most hidden corners of the island, in this way you will have a much broader perspective of what this paradise has to offer you. The easiest way to start, rent your bike.Bicycle route through the tramuntanaRent your bike and start with one of the most impressive places on the entire island, the Serra de Tramuntana. Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, a recurring getaway area for bike lovers.A natural treasure whose mountainous landscapes have nothing to envy to the beaches of the island. Rent your bike, visit the Serra de Tramuntana, it is almost an obligation. Some of the most important destinations can be Valldemossa, one of the most beautiful towns in Mallorca, together with Deià, they are tourist attractions worth seeing. You can also find Sóller or sa Calobra, very popular places with a special beauty.Bike route through the south of MallorcaIn contrast, the southern part of the island will offer you very different landscapes, but equally spectacular, generally much more affordable for amateur cyclists, it does not involve routes with very marked unevenness. Rent your bike and tour the south coast, with beaches like Cala Pi, Es Trenc, which is one of the most famous beaches on the island. Together with the entire southeast coast of the island, you will find a multitude of coves that you have to visit.Route to FormentorLast destination that we recommend, the route from Puerto de Pollensa, where we are, RentMarch, to the Formentor lighthouse. Route full of curves and unevenness but that will delight the most adventurous due to its unique views of the north coast and the Serra de Tramuntana. Pedal and enjoy.There are many bicycle routes to visit Mallorca for free and reach magical places that leave no one indifferent. A different and charming experience. Rent your bike now, don't miss out on this wonderful experience.
Bike rental in Majorca It has become the most interesting alternative to enjoy the numerous and varied attractions of the island. There are many benefits that cycling tourism provides to discover its corners and, at the same time, play sports.Why should you go cycling in Mallorca?Although it is also possible to rent a motorcycle in Majorca, cycling has become much more than a fashion. This is an activity that mobilizes more than 150,000 cyclists every year, who take advantage of the excellent conditions that the island provides to those who choose to combine the sport of two wheels with the realization of tourism plans. Mallorca 312 It is an example of an event that brings together the faithful of cycling tourism.Reasons why cycling in Majorca is one of the suggestions that is increasingly appreciated by visitors to the Balearic Islands.Good weatherThis is an essential condition for the practice of cycling. In this sense, Mallorca has more than 300 sunny days per year. Furthermore, temperatures usually fluctuate between 15 and 23 °C and there are few rainy days that make it impossible to hit the road.Routes specially recommended for cycle touristsWe refer to those that run between the following points. Take note, in case you want to visit them.From Tolleric to Campos.It starts in Llucmajor and ends in Porreres.Between Lluc and Valldemossa, crossing the Coll de Sóller.Infrastructures for cycle pathsMallorca has 450 km of roads specially designed for cycling. They are roads that have been equipped with different protections and where speed limits are lower. Likewise, they have greater surveillance by the agents of the General Directorate of Traffic, among other aspects, they are in charge of controlling that the routes and signage are in optimal conditions.A natural environment of high interestThere are various landscapes in Mallorca that you can enjoy from your bike. We recommend the following:Albufera Natural Park, where its canals and shallow ponds stand out.The Inland towns, on whose secondary roads you will be able to enjoy your cycling experience to the fullest.Serra de Tramuntana, in which you can climb peaks such as Puig Major, which exceeds 1000 m in altitude.Discover Mallorca in a healthy and sustainable wayWithout a doubt, bike rental in Majorca is a healthy and profitable option to explore the entire area of ??the island. Find out about the different plans you can do pedaling!
Advantages of motorcycle rental and bike rental in Mallorca. Perfect to have freedom and enjoy an island that has a lot to offer.Advantages of opting for motorcycle rental in Mallorca on vacationThe motorcycle rental in Majorca will bring you great benefits. Do you want to meet them? Well, you just have to keep reading. We will talk about them below.It's much cheaperThe first advantage you have rent a motorbike It is that it will cost you much less to move around Majorca than if you went by car. This type of vehicle consumes much less fuel and, therefore, the savings will be considerable. More freedomWhen you get closer to places that public transport does not reachIt will allow you to go anywhere and avoid possible crowds. In addition, being small, it will make it easier for you to find parking much faster than if you had a car.A more environmentally friendly optionIf, on your vacation, you are just one or two people, renting a motorcycle will make your trip a little more sustainable. Less chance of jamsWhen we are on vacation, what we least want is to spend hours and hours in a traffic jam. With a motorcycle, what you can do goes through dodge cars and get in the middle to advance a bit in the traffic jam. Of course, this action must always be done taking into account the safety, yours and that of others.Now you know the advantages of renting a motorbike on the beautiful island, an option that offers you advantages such as freedom, savings and also... fun! And remember that, if you want to cycle around Mallorca, you also have the option of renting a bike in Mallorca so you don't have to take your own and enjoy the best routes in the area.
If you are thinking of taking a different and interesting holiday in which you mix nature, adventure, sport and fun in Mallorca, here we have a proposal for you. Start thinking about a bike rental in Mallorca to meet these goals that we propose. Also, a motorbike rental in Mallorca is a good option if your thing is not so much to do legs.But any of the options you decide on will be more than enough to take you on an adventurous and fun trip. We bring you several routes that you can do by bike or motorbike on the island.Routes to do in MajorcaBy bike or motorbike, we recommend these four routes to have a good time in Mallorca. Find the one or ones of your choice and enjoy.Tramuntana coastal roadThere are a total of 110 kilometres of road linking Pollença with Andratx, in other words, from north to south. The cumulative ascent of the road reaches 2520 metres and passes through beautiful places such as Coll de Femenía, Can Costa, Coll de sa Gramola, Puig Major, which is the highest point on the island, and Cap des Bosquet. If you want to do something extra, at Puig Major there is a road with a gradient of just under one kilometre, a gradient of 6% and a length of almost 14 kilometres.Sa CalobraYou won't have to go very far on this route, as it will take place in Sa Calobra, a very pretty place that is mostly devoted to fishing. It is famous for its steep, hairpin bends, as well as the difficulty of the climb up a 7% gradient. It's only 10 kilometres, but what a 10 kilometres! To give you an idea, some sections have a gradient of 12%. If you are not very used to cycling, a motorbike can be an ideal solution.Cap de FormentorIf there is one route in Mallorca that stands out, it is undoubtedly this one. It runs between the Cap de Formentor lighthouse and Port de Pollença, 20 kilometres with breathtaking views. In the high season, cars and buses are no longer allowed to pass, so it is an ideal place for cyclists.Coll de SóllerThe road is a paradise for cycling in Mallorca. In 1997 the famous Sóller tunnel was opened, in which all traffic is stopped except for cyclists.Mallorca is a paradise for cyclists and motorcyclists. Renting a bike or motorbike in Mallorca will make your holidays a real pleasure. What are you waiting for?
Wenn Sie gerne Fahrradtouren machen, sind Sie hier genau richtig! Von unserem Fahrradverleih auf Mallorca aus können Sie einige schöne Touren in der Umgebung von Puerto de Pollensa unternehmen. Möchten Sie mehr erfahren?Routen zum Radfahren auf MallorcaRadfahren auf Mallorca ist eine gute Möglichkeit, einige Gegenden dieser schönen Insel kennen zu lernen. Vom Puerto Pollensa aus hat man eine unglaubliche Aussicht auf das Tramuntana-Gebirge. Außerdem kann man sie zu jeder Zeit des Jahres durchführen.Route nach La VictoriaWenn Sie die mallorquinische Landschaft genießen wollen, sollten Sie sich diese Route nicht entgehen lassen. Vom Hafen aus ist es ein 32 Kilometer langer Spaziergang, der nicht sehr schwierig ist. Aus diesem Grund ist sie für Radfahrer aller Leistungsklassen geeignet. Sie werden von der Straße nach Puerto Alcudia begeistert sein und dann müssen Sie der Straße entlang des Meeres nach La Victoria folgen. Der schwierigste Abschnitt ist ein 444 Meter hoher Pass.Route zum Cap de FormentorDies ist eine tolle Route, die man von Pollensa aus machen kann. Sie ist für Radfahrer mit guter Kondition gedacht, da sie einige Herausforderungen bietet. Es handelt sich um eine 40 Kilometer lange Strecke mit 100 Metern steilem Anstieg.Das Beste an dieser Fahrt ist das, was man auf dem Weg findet. Sie kommen am Aussichtspunkt Sa Creueta vorbei, wo Sie einen Blick auf die Farbe werfen können, einen Felsen, der Sie sprachlos machen wird. Vom Aussichtspunkt aus haben Sie einen Anstieg von etwas mehr als 3 Kilometern zu bewältigen, um den 13 Kilometer langen Weg zu erreichen, der Sie zum Cabo de Formentor, dem nördlichsten Punkt der Insel, führt.Wenn Sie angekommen sind, sollten Sie daran denken, dass Sie einen Zwischenstopp einlegen können. Am Kap gibt es eine Cafeteria, in der Sie eine Pause einlegen können. Machen Sie das Beste daraus und genießen Sie die Aussicht.Route zum TramuntanagebirgeHalten Sie sich für einen fortgeschrittenen Radfahrer? Dann werden wir Ihnen von einer Route erzählen, die Sie lieben werden. Wir sprechen hier von einer längeren Strecke: 168 Kilometer mit 2.700 Höhenmetern. Bei diesem Abenteuer werden Sie die berühmtesten Kletterrouten der Insel in Angriff nehmen: Coll de Femenia, Coll de Soler und Puig Major. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, Wasser und etwas zu essen mitzunehmen, damit Sie den ganzen Tag durchhalten können, ohne sich Gedanken über die Suche nach Einkaufsmöglichkeiten machen zu müssen.Eine Insel zum GenießenWir haben Ihnen bereits die besten Routen gezeigt, die Sie vom Puerto Pollensa aus unternehmen können. Besuchen Sie unseren Fahrradverleih auf Mallorca und genießen Sie Ihren Lieblingssport. Und wenn Sie ein Motorradliebhaber sind, zögern Sie nicht, wir vermieten auch Motorräder auf Mallorca.
If you are travelling to Mallorca, we are sure you are looking forward to spending some unforgettable days of relaxation and tourism. If you are planning the different activities you are going to do, we recommend you to read this article where we analyse the reasons why you should go cycling and rent a bike in Mallorca.Reasons for cycling in MallorcaWhether you opt for a bike or a bike rental in Mallorca, these are the main reasons why cycling around the island can be the perfect plan:The weatherWhether you would like to cycle in Mallorca, or just want to see the best spots on the island, having an alternative method to the car can be perfect.Thanks to the island's climate, you will surely be able to enjoy each excursion much more if you have a bike or motorbike to fully experience the sensation of freedom it offers.The surroundingsMallorca's varied and different landscape makes it an ideal island to enjoy cycle touring. Moreover, there are many places that can only be reached by this type of transport, making the experience even better.Among the numerous landscapes that you can enjoy from your bicycle or motorbike you can find:The Albufera Natural ParkThe Tramuntana mountain rangeThe impressive coasts of the islandThe charming inland villagesPanoramic routes, ideal for watching the sunset.These are just some of the options the island has to offer for those who choose this adventure in Mallorca.SecurityThe island boasts the peculiarity of having a selection of the safest cycling routes in the whole of Spain. Among these different routes that you can do when renting a bike or motorbike on the island are:Llucmajor - PorreresTolleric - CamposLluc - Valldemossa, via Coll de SóllerThese are just some of the best routes, but if you want more options, contact your bike rental agency in Mallorca.Cycling tourism in MallorcaDue to its exceptional location and climate, all year round is perfect for cycling tourism and fully enjoying all that the island has to offer visitors.We hope that, after reading this article, you will have a much clearer idea of some of the main reasons why you should go cycle touring in Majorca.Mallorca has more than 300 days of sunshine a year, more than 450 km of signposted routes for cyclists and numerous natural parks to discover. Remember that, if you don't have a bike or motorbike, you can go to a bike rental agency in Majorca like ours.
Have you thought about hiring a bike rental service in Mallorca to explore the best mountain routes on the island? It seems totally normal to us. After all, Mallorca is one of the most beautiful places in Spain to practice this sport. For this reason, here we want to talk to you about the most interesting trails to travel with your two wheeled friend. Pay attention.The Cala Pi route for cycling in MallorcaFirst of all, we want to talk to you about this route that is located in the southern part of the island of Mallorca. It is perfect for you if you do not have too much experience or an excessively high physical level. It consists of 30 kilometers and, depending on how fast you are, you can do it in a period of between 3 and 5 hours. Along the way, you will enjoy the spectacular landscapes of Sa Rapita Cala Pi and S'Estanyol.The Porto Colom routeIt is another good alternative to enjoy cycling in Mallorca. The route is 25 kilometers long and accumulates a drop of 300 meters, which is not much. It is true that some sections are somewhat difficult, but you can do them on foot if you cannot pedal. Part of the San Salvador area to later cross El Fangar and reach Porto Colom.The Toro RouteWithout a doubt, if you have been told about the spectacular nature of the Cala Figuera Lighthouse, this route is essential. It is located in the southwestern area of ??Mallorca. Along the way, it will allow you to see trenches and other vestiges of past war times. It is also made up of a 25-kilometre route, although with a slightly more unevenness (500 accumulated meters). Of course, if you do it in summer, along the way you can take more than one dip in coves of singular beauty.The Tossals route is a good option for motorcycle rental in MallorcaHere, we enter the Sierra de Tramuntana. Don't be scared, since the accumulated drop is also 500 meters. If you have a little level, it will not cost you much. Otherwise, you can also bet on a motorcycle rental service in Mallorca that makes things easier for you. It runs entirely around an old torrent surrounded by olive trees. It also crosses a Roman path of ancient origin.Bike rental in Mallorca to get to know the island in depthIf you want to immerse yourself in the nature of the Balearic Islands and discover the secrets of the islands, hire a bike rental service in Mallorca. We offer you a service through which you can get the mountain bike you need. You will face with the maximum guarantees all the routes that we have just commented or any other that you may like.
Majorca by motorbikeWould you love to do a road-trip around Mallorca on a motorbike and enjoy the island at your own pace? Excellent choice! You'll get further than most tourists go and you won't have any parking problems and it will be easier to escape the traffic jams. That's why in our bike rental shop in Mallorca we now also offer motorbike rental in Mallorca.Take note of these two routes, so you won't miss anything.Route through the Sierra Tramuntana mountain range.Mallorca is more than sun and beach. Discover its wildest side with this circular route. The start depends on where you are staying. If you are in the bay of Palma, first go past the windmills on Calle de la Industria. Then head for Andratx, where there are some excellent viewpoints, the most outstanding of which is La Mola. Continue towards Port de Valldemossa and stop at the Punta Na Foradada viewpoint.Then you can go to Deia and we strongly recommend you to go to Sóller and see its famous tram. After that comes one of the stars of the route: the tie-knot-shaped descent of the road to Sa Calobra. Continue your journey towards the Cape of Formentor and, if you have time, stop in Alcudia, known for its Roman past. Take the Ma-13 motorway to return to the starting point and, if you have time, make a stop at Es Cocó.Route of the CalasAs you can imagine, we won't just take you to the beaches. This almost circular route passes through Cala Mesquida, Cala Gat, Cala Millor, Cala Anguila and Cala Romántica, ending in Manacor, where you will find the Rafa Nadal museum and the parish church of Mare de Deu dels Dolors.You can also visit the amazing Drach caves, where you have to go by boat and, for more variety, visit nearby wine cellars. But if you are not interested in Manacor, continue along the coast visiting more coves, there are many in the southeast of Mallorca! Also, the further you get off the main roads, the more secluded they become.This route is perfect for a warm day, because you can stop wherever you want for a swim and you can also take beautiful photos. If you have your accommodation in Palma or nearby, you will even find a restaurant with a swimming pool, the Panorámica Playa, in Llucmajor. So you can swim while you wait for your food to arrive.As you can see, with our bike hire in Mallorca it's easy to spend a perfect day on the island. Or several, if you plan to stay at intermediate points along the routes. If you want more tips and ideas of routes for motorbikes or cycling in Mallorca, you know you can ask us whenever you want.
Bike hire in Mallorca is the ideal way to get to know the island and explore it with some interesting MTB routes. The island has an infinite number of routes that are worth exploring, so that you can enjoy the spectacular scenery as well as doing sport. In this article, we are going to take a look at some interesting cycling routes in Majorca with varying levels of difficulty for all types of cyclists.Cycling routes in MajorcaFrom easy to difficult, the routes we show you here have everything to ensure you don't get bored along the way. Discover them.Formentor lighthouseWith 96 kilometres in length and a 990-metre climb, the aim of the route is to reach the Formentor lighthouse, located on a beautiful cliff. The route starts in Alcúdia and passes through Port de Pollença, passing through the bay of the same name and the s'Albufereta reserve. The route continues along the Vell de Campanet path, where you can visit some caves. To return to the starting point of the route, you can do so along the Sa Pobla road.Son CarrióThis is a route with an elevation gain of 1,772 metres and 130 kilometres in length, also known as Ermites de Llevant (Hermitages of Llevant). Along the route, you will find two beautiful viewpoints, the Sant Salvador sanctuary and the Betlem hermitage. The start, in Cala Millor, will take you past very picturesque places, such as Son Servera, Artà, Manacor, Felanitx and a pass, Coll des Pescadors, with an altitude of 374 metres. From Felanitx you start the ascent to San Salvador.Sa Calobra roadApproximately 110 kilometres long and with an elevation gain of 1977 metres, this is a very demanding route that is perfect for cyclists with experience and good training. The route starts in Alcúdia and runs through Morro de ses Fel-les and sa Vaca, two unique ravines.From Alcúdia you must continue on to Pollença and from there start climbing. First, the Coll de Femenia, 515 metres high, and after that, the Lluc sanctuary, which is by the Coll de sa Batalla, 576 metres high. Then you go on to the Coll de Cals Reis pass, at 682 metres, which is accompanied by an adrenaline-filled descent to the Sa Calobra pass.TossalsIf the above seems difficult to you, here is an easier option, Tossals, with a gradient of 500 metres and a distance of only 28 kilometres. You will have to enter through the Sierra de Tramuntana. You'll start with a paved ascent and continue along paths full of olive trees, spectacular scenery and the remains of Roman ruins.If bike hire in Majorca is not enough for you, motorbike hire in Majorca is also a possibility to do these routes in a different way. All you have to do is to get to know places and enjoy the trip. Are you up for it?
The reason why we founded our bike rental business in Mallorca is because the best wonders of our island can be discovered in this independent way of travelling. Get away from the masses and discover the charms of this area with these routes, and now we also offer motorbike rental in Mallorca!Palma-Sóller-SineuFirst we recommend that you get to know the Serra de Tramuntana, declared a World Heritage Site in the Cultural Landscape category. From Palma head to Sóller, where you can marvel at its old town. If you go on a Saturday morning, visit its flea market to buy typical products. Other typical villages not to be missed are Fornalutx, Deia and Valldemossa, a little off the beaten track. On your way to Sineu, a stop at the Mirador de S'En Banya is worthwhile. If you prefer more nature, visit Ses Monges Park. Want to see a castle? You can go to the castle of Alaró.From Palma to La CalobraAnother option for visiting Sóller and Fornalutx is to head to La Calobra and enjoy its marvellous coves. However, first you will have to go through the 800 curves on the Ma-10 road, including the famous "tie knot". A biker's paradise!From Palma to the coves of the SoutheastIf you want to take an afternoon dip, there is nothing like the coves of the southeast. Start your day with a visit to the Bellver Castle in Palma and then head to El Arenal. On your way to Les Salines, you will come across Circuit Mallorca Llucmajor. Head to Cala Figuera, where we recommend you explore the surroundings and discover places such as the viewpoint des Pontàs or the Llombards cove. If after swimming you still have time to visit a historic site, we recommend the Sant Salvador Sanctuary.From Palma to Cala MesquidaIf you liked the idea of a swim in the middle of your trip, get to know the coves in the east by heading for Cala Romántica. Then you can go up the coast and visit cove after cove, such as Cala Anguila, Cala Millor, Cala Ratjada, Cala Gat.... It is worth stopping to visit the famous Drach caves. Finish your route in Cala Mesquida and, if you have time, go to the Península de Llevant Natural Park.Formentor and surroundingsThe cape of Formentor is another of the island's must-see sights. You cannot miss the spectacular views from the Sa Creueta viewpoint or its bay of crystal-clear waters. Also take the opportunity to visit the Natural Park of S'Albufera, the Talaia d'Albercutx and the Necropolis in Son Real.You can visit all these places thanks to our bike hire in Majorca. They are also suitable for cycling in Mallorca, but you will need more time, so consider staying overnight at one of the points along the route. Discover another way of sightseeing on this wonderful island!
Have you decided to rent a motorbike or bicycle from our bike rental agency in Mallorca? Good idea! You'll be able to explore the island with no time or terrain limits. Whether you want to reach secluded beaches or enjoy the amazing mountain landscapes that Mallorca has in store for you, with the routes we propose, you will be able to discover it all.Routes for you if you have opted for motorbike hire in MajorcaAlthough it is nice to cycle in Majorca, the islanders say that the best way to get around the island is by motorbike. The following are the routes they recommend.Tramontana mountain rangeThis is one of our favourites. In its more than 100 kilometres, you will find many attractions: the Serral de ses Monges park, Mirador d'en Banya viewpoint, Alaró Castle, S'Avenc de Son Pou... Adapt the route to your interests, wherever you like and enjoy the unforgettable mountain views.Route between Cala Romántica and Cala Mesquida: beaches and coves for cycling in MallorcaIf you have decided to plan your day on the coast, we recommend this route. If you are in Palma, head in the direction of Manacor, and then reach Cala Romántica, a paradisiacal beach that has nothing to envy the beaches of Thailand. You can make a stop at Anguila cove, but remember not to take too long to get to the Drach caves during opening hours. Afterwards, we recommend a visit to the quiet Cala Millor. In Cala Rajada, you will find more animation. It is also great if you need to stop for shopping. In Cala Gat, you can swim in crystal clear turquoise waters. It ends at Cala Mesquida, a beautiful bay surrounded by rolling hills.Travelling in summer? We recommend starting your route early, making frequent stops at the beaches and returning in the late afternoon, when it's cooler.North West Route: a history and stunning sceneryHow about combining a bit of history, beaches and scenery? You can start this route at the Cap de Formentor viewpoint. If it is high season, go early, before the many tourists arrive. Head south to visit the Monographic Museum and the medieval wall of Pollentia. Then head to the S'Albufera nature park, the Necropolis at Son Real, the Península de Llevant nature park and the San Salvador Sanctuary at Cala Torta. You can also visit the prehistoric constructions in Talaiot des Racons and go to the Majorica pearl factory and the Drach caves in Porto Cristo.Your motorbike rental in MallorcaEnjoy Mallorca at your own pace with our motorbikes. They are in our bike rental centre in Mallorca in Puerto de Pollensa. We have more than 20 years of experience in renting motorbikes in Mallorca. We provide the perfect vehicle for you and your route.
From our bike rental service in Mallorca we will point out through these lines the advantages offered by the two most used types of bicycles: mountain bikes (MTB) and road bikes (or road). Although these two disciplines have many similarities, there are many factors that differentiate them, from the surface on which they are practised to the characteristics of each bike.Cycling in Mallorca: characteristics of road and road cycling bikesRoad cycling in Mallorca is a modality that is practised with a bicycle that is suitable for cycling on roads and other paved roads. Although you may encounter ascents and descents, the surface of the terrain will always be smooth, and this offers you the possibility of practising continuous exercise without too much impact on your legs. Because of the physical requirements, cyclists must train their legs, strengthening glutes, hips, quadriceps and calves.It is worth remembering that road bikes are ideal for long-distance rides, although you should also consider that you will be more exposed to traffic, which implies a greater risk.Cycling in Mallorca: characteristics of mountain bikes (MTB)In the MTB modality, pedalling tends to be slower, but with greater force due to the surface which, in addition to having climbs and descents, is usually quite uneven, which makes it difficult to maintain a constant cadence. Because of the uneven terrain, you lose momentum and traction on the MTB, which means more use of gear changes, as well as greater strength in the arms and torso. It is therefore advisable to have these areas of the upper body strengthened, in addition to the legs.The main advantage of mountain bikes is their versatility, as they can be used on any type of surface. In fact, you have the option of mounting mixed tyres if you are going to ride on all types of terrain. In this sense, natural landscapes and rural environments are another of the points in favour of MTB. Mountain biking takes place against the backdrop of nature, making it ideal for disconnecting and relaxing.
If you are a fan of cycling or motorbikes and you like to ride along spectacular roads and paths, we recommend that you make use of the bike rental service in Mallorca. To make it easier for you, in this article we will detail the main characteristics of some of the mountain roads that you should not miss.Cycling in Majorca to discover unforgettable mountain landscapesCycling in Mallorca is linked to finding beautiful spots. In fact, it is one of the best ways to discover this marvellous island. If your cycling level is not advanced, you always have the option of renting a motorbike in Mallorca. You can choose the option that suits you best.Sa Calobra is the best-known ascent route in the whole region due to its stunning landscapes. It is characterised by a 10-kilometre route full of curves and ramps, some of which are up to 20 %.The ascent to Valldemossa is 4 kilometres long and has a gradient of 5%. We recommend that you leave some time to stroll around one of the prettiest villages on the island and enjoy its horchata de almendras (almond horchata) to recover your energy.The route from Sóller to Palma is one of the busiest for cyclists. Its curves and 5% gradient will make you feel like a true adventurer along the 6 kilometres of the route.Puig Major (Sóller) is the longest mountain pass in Mallorca. In 14 kilometres you will enjoy a constant gradient of 6 %. The experience of passing next to the Gorg Blau and Cúber reservoirs will be impressive!Coll de Sa Batalla will transport you to another era and welcome you to the aforementioned Tramuntana mountain range. Just over 8 kilometres with a 5% gradient will be enough to take you on a journey back in time.The route from Pollença to Coll de Femenia will confirm once again why Mallorca is so highly valued by Spaniards and foreigners alike. The Tramuntana mountain range will not leave you indifferent and the 8 kilometres of this route will allow you to enjoy medium gradients to reward you with a gentle final stretch.If you like short routes, Formentor will be special for you. Only 4 kilometres are needed to reach a viewpoint from where you can stop to look out over part of the island. If you want to make a little more of an effort, a short extra climb will take you to the magical lighthouse.In conclusion, bike hire in Mallorca offers you the chance to discover not only the coast, but also the mountains. Don't forget to choose a professional company, like ours, to receive the best service.
If you are a bike lover, you should know that renting a bike in Mallorca is one of the best options, as you can have a perfect bike to ride around the island. Likewise, with motorbike rental in Mallorca you will be able to move around all the areas without any problem, although you should be especially careful in the winter months.Tips for cycling in Majorca or riding a motorbike in winterCycling in Mallorca implies following a series of precautions, although we must be more careful, especially when driving a motorbike, given that the speeds at which we circulate are higher. To begin with, the equipment must be appropriate, although it is true that driving clothes have improved a lot.In fact, nowadays we can find waterproof and cold-resistant clothing to make motorbike rides more comfortable. In the same way, as soon as you leave home you should check how the asphalt is. If it's grey, it's fine, but if it's darker it may be slippery.Likewise, we must not overlook the fact that Mallorca, although it is an island, has mountainous areas, so it is possible that ice sheets have formed. And to this we must add greater vigilance and cleanliness of the engine so that we arrive at our destination in the best conditions.The emphasis here is on the headlights, both front and rear, as these are elements that get quite dirty during the winter. In this case, it is advisable to check them before setting off and if they are a little dirty, wipe them down with a rag for the journey, but then take them to a garage for a good polish.Winter gloves and clothingAs we have already mentioned, comfort is important and this can only be achieved with the right clothing. So we must have the right equipment, especially to prevent the wind from freezing our hands and body.On the other hand, tyres and brakes are also important when temperatures drop. As far as tyres are concerned, it is best to try touring tyres, as they need less warm-up time and grip is better in cold weather. As for the brakes, it is advisable to carry out small brake tests before setting off to check that the friction is adequate and that the bike stops.All in all, both bike hire in Mallorca and motorbike hire are the two best ways to get around the island. Of course, if it's cold, don't forget to follow these tips because they are sure to make your trip even better. Enjoy the island!
In addition to the sun and the beach, the island of Mallorca has much more to offer in terms of tourism. That's why, if you want to explore it with your family or friends, renting a bike in Mallorca is one of the best options available to you. In this post we want to tell you about some of the best routes you can do in the north of the island.Cycling routes in Majorca in the north of the islandThe north of Mallorca is one of the most popular places for cycling, especially for the great views it offers and also on an environmental level. It is very close to the Sierra de Tramuntana, so there are many possibilities to enjoy all the flora and fauna you can find. The two most outstanding are the following:Pollensa: It is one of the towns that still has the Mallorcan tradition. It is home to 17,000 inhabitants, and maintains its Mediterranean appearance in the streets. If you go by bike you will be able to enjoy its marina and its beaches in total comfort, Cala de San Vicente being one of the most outstanding. The route is very gentle, so you can also do it with children. Cape Formentor: If you are looking for a tougher route, this is ideal for you. The aim is to reach the lighthouse, located on cliffs 300 metres above sea level, from where you can enjoy an excellent panoramic view of the whole island. Along the way, you will have a wide variety of flora and fauna at your disposal. This cape is located at the northernmost point of Mallorca. This area is popularly known as the meeting point of all the winds, due to the great variety day by day.Bicycles at your disposalOne of the main advantages of choosing to rent a bicycle is that you can choose the most suitable model for you and only use it for as long as you need to. It is a similar procedure to renting a motorbike in Mallorca. We have a wide variety of mountain bikes, city bikes and also electric bikes so that you can take advantage of the potential of its engine. They are designed for cycle tourists who want to discover the island at their own pace.In conclusion, there is a wide variety of landscapes all over the island. However, it is in the north of the island where most of them are concentrated. For this reason, bike hire in Mallorca is one of the best choices for sightseeing. Contact us and start cycling in total comfort.
Are you passionate about motorbikes or cycling in Mallorca? Then you will be interested to know that there are many routes around the island and the best thing is that you can explore them with the bike rental service in Mallorca or with the motorbike rental service. In this way, you will be able to reach different parts of the island, with the Sierra de Tramuntana range being an ideal destination.Motorbike hire in Mallorca with a visit to the Sierra de Tramuntana mountain rangeWhether you are on a motorbike or a bike, the important thing is that you enjoy the route and finish with the best sensations. For this reason, we will give you some tips on which routes are the most suitable so that you can get to know Mallorca from a more natural point of view.Route through the Tramuntana and Sa Calobra: this is a beautiful route that will take you deep into the depths of Sierra de Tramuntana. With your motorbike as your faithful companion, you will be able to pass rocky walls and paradisiacal beaches on a 56-kilometre route that starts in Valldemossa and goes all the way to Sa Calobra. With good roads, you can do this route in 1 hour and 15 minutes and we recommend making stops at important points such as Sóller to enjoy the journey even more.San Telmo to the port of Pollensa: 131 kilometres of asphalt are the protagonists of one of the longest routes on the island. Starting from San Telmo and arriving at the port of Pollensa, you will cross the entire western part of the island with incredible views and many places to stop and enjoy the local flora and fauna. You will pass through Valdermosa, Miramar or Sóller, among other places.Sierra de Tramuntana (South-West): 108 kilometres of asphalt mark a route that stands out for its mountainous roads and incomparable views. This route is popular all year round with locals and visitors to the island. This route is ideal to do with family or friends and discover emblematic spots such as Palmanova, Andratx or Esporles.Advantages of using a bike or motorbike rental serviceThis service allows you to move around the island in a comfortable way, as its roads are perfectly adapted for motorcyclists and cyclists. In addition, if you come on holiday or want to do routes sporadically, you have this type of rental service to have the latest generation of motorbikes and bicycles.In short, both the bike rental service in Mallorca and the motorbike rental service offer you the chance to discover the island in a unique way. Now it's your turn to take the next step and discover Mallorca in all its splendour!
Maybe you are planning to travel to Mallorca soon, we offer you a series of wonderful routes to discover in the area. As a company specialising in bike hire in Mallorca we have all types of bikes (mountain, urban and, of course, electric) so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs and the rest of your family, and so you can cycle in Mallorca on routes adapted to different levels.Cycling routes in MallorcaIf you like to combine beach and mountain, our recommendation is that when you go to Mallorca you enjoy the adventure of travelling on two wheels through some of the island's most worthwhile places. With us, both motorbike and bicycle hire in Mallorca is a simple process that will allow you to discover villages, almost virgin coves, castles with a lot of history, etc.To make it easy for you, in the following lines we show you the main characteristics of some routes adapted to do with all your family:Palma de Mallorca seafront promenade. The island's capital offers 13 kilometres with an exclusive lane for cyclists, completely flat and signposted. You will pass through the Calatrava district, located in the old town, the Almudaina Royal Palace, the cathedral and the Episcopal Palace, among others.Do you like to visit rural areas? The route from Binissalem to Biniagual is asphalted and covers 4 kilometres outward and 4 kilometres return. Lively landscapes with farms and fields will be your travelling companions along the whole route.Ascent to Puig de la Randa, in Llucmajor, a route of pure nature. You will be able to visit the sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Gracia after crossing lush forests and enjoy unique views. It will take you approximately 2 hours and a half to complete the route, but we can tell you that the more you climb, the more amazing the panoramic views will become. The effort will be well worth it!The greenway that runs from Arta to Manacor crosses an old railway line that stretches for 29 kilometres. However, you can do just one section if you want to. While cycling, you can observe the wide variety of vegetation in the area and enjoy the crop fields.The S'Albufera Nature Reserve stands out for its beautiful landscapes, views of migratory and native birds and hiking routes. On the other hand, you will discover the most authentic Mallorca, so make a note of it in pending itineraries.In conclusion, bike hire in Mallorca allows you to get to know the island at your own pace and with intermittent stops that will leave you with unforgettable views. We hope you take these routes into account so that you are aware that cycling is a safe bet for exploring the beautiful places hidden in the island.
When we talk about the Balearic Islands, images of beach, sun, nature and, in short, magical landscapes come to mind. If you are thinking of visiting the area, bike hire in Mallorca will open up endless possibilities.Cycling in Majorca, a whole world of opportunitiesWhatever your level on two wheels, the island is capable of offering you everything you need as a cycling lover, from spectacular landscapes on the beach to peaks over 1000 metres high such as the Serra de Tramuntana. Furthermore, while in most European countries cycling is only practised outside of the winter season, Mallorca offers the ideal climatic conditions for year-round cycling. In fact, many professional teams choose this place to prepare for their competitions.The best routes in SpainIn case you didn't know, the Balearic Islands are the third most active cycling region in Spain (behind Madrid and Barcelona). However, they are champions in terms of the length of their routes, with an average of 66 km, something that favours bike and motorbike hire in Majorca.Also, don't forget that in the ranking of the most famous routes, the first places belong only to Mallorca:Tramuntana coastal road: From Pollença to Andratx you will enjoy its 110 kilometres of route. However, you must take into consideration the accumulated difference in altitude of 2,520 metres, as well as an average gradient of 6%. Quite a challenge.Sa Calobra: Another route not to be missed, but you will have to pay a little attention to it because of its average gradient of 7%. The less daring prefer to do the route by motorbike.Cabo de Formentor: This is a beautiful route of about 20 kilometres that will provide you with the best views on a firm route.Coll de Sóller: This is the favourite of many, as it contains the old mountain road almost exclusively for cyclists. If you decide to do it, we recommend starting in Sóller.Ready for youDue to the incredible boom in cycling in Mallorca, the island has undergone a major change in its infrastructure in recent years. In fact, all the routes are perfectly signposted so that you don't have to worry about finding your way around. In any case, we have all kinds of bikes to suit your needs and chosen routes (road, trekking, urban, electric, mountain, children's...).As you can see, bike hire in Mallorca is one of the best options to enjoy your stay on the island, so come on!
Are you going to Mallorca in the next few months? If so, we recommend a series of routes to do thanks to bike hire in Mallorca. With these routes you will be able to discover every corner of the island and, of course, this activity is also aimed at people who spend long periods in Mallorca.Cycling in MallorcaCycling is an activity that many people enjoy and Mallorca is the perfect island to get on a bike and discover all its places. Moreover, these routes can also be done thanks to the motorbike rental service in Majorca. All these routes stand out for their beauty and each one has particularities that will attract the attention of cyclists:Palma de Mallorca's seafront promenade: this is an obligatory route for all those who travel to the city. This 13-kilometre route along the Mediterranean has an exclusive lane for bicycles, so you will be able to cycle with complete peace of mind. This route starts at the Parc del Mar and goes all the way to the Coll d'en Rabassa neighbourhood, where you can enjoy the Real Club Náutico de Palma and other points of interest such as the Royal Palace of the Almudaina and Palma Cathedral. What's more, the route is flat and well signposted. Route from Benissalem to Biniagual: known as the rural route of Mallorca, this route has an asphalted road between these towns, which can be reached by car or by train from Palma, starting in that case at the station itself. From there you have a signposted path that crosses the villages, which you can cover in less than an hour. The distance is 4 kilometres one way and another 4 kilometres back. A route for the brave: this route is designed for cyclists with good legs, as it is a climb to Puig de la Randa, in Llucmajor, the spiritual centre of Mallorca. The route passes the sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Gracia and passes through forests with unique views over the Pla de Llevant. With the highest point at 350 metres, it is a perfect route for the whole family and lasts two and a half hours. Greenway from Artà to Manacor: this is the longest route, as it is 29 kilometres long, although if you are travelling with children you can opt for a shorter section. Here you will cycle through fields of crops and Mediterranean forests. The lanes are quite wide, so you can cycle without any problems.In short, thanks to bike hire in Mallorca you have the chance to get to know the island with these wonderful and diverse routes. Don't think twice and explore Mallorca by bike or motorbike!
Our bike rental service in Mallorca can be very useful to explore every corner of the island in a healthy way. It is a great way to get in touch with its natural landscapes. Therefore, here we want to take a tour of its most interesting routes.Best routes in MallorcaSome of these itineraries are suitable for all audiences, but others are not. In fact, many of them can also be done by hiring a motorcycle rental in Mallorca. A good alternative for those who prefer a motor vehicle.1. Cap de FormentorThis cycling route in Mallorca begins in the beautiful town of Port de Pollença and ends at the Cap de Formentor lighthouse. A beautiful tour of the homonymous peninsula of just 20 kilometres that will give you spectacular views. In addition, it is a very safe route, especially in summer. Private cars cannot access the road between 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM during July and August.2. Sa CalobraAnother of the best routes in Mallorca to do by bike. Of course, it has a higher degree of difficulty. The reason? To get to this coastal town, it is necessary to travel a road that, although very well paved, has an average slope of 7% for just over 10 kilometres. In the hardest sections it is 12%. For this reason, many visitors choose to make the trip by motorcycle.3. Coll de SóllerThe Sóller tunnel was inaugurated in 1997 and, since then, has concentrated most of the traffic in the area. This was excellent news for cyclists, as the old mountain road was left almost exclusively for them. The ideal is to start the route in Sóller and then go into the island the distance you prefer.4. Coastal road of the Tramuntana110 kilometres. That's the distance that this entire route has. It starts in Pollença (at the north of the island, where we are located) and ends in Andratx, which is in the southern part. It has an accumulated unevenness of 2520 meters, of which 818 meters are covered by the Puig Major. Its ascent road is 13.7 kilometres long and has an average slope of 6%. A real challenge for your legs.Enjoying cycling in Mallorca is within everyone's reach.In short, the most important island of the Balearic archipelago is a true paradise for cycling lovers. It has very picturesque routes for both experienced cyclists and beginners. All of them can enjoy our bike rental service in Mallorca to explore the island at their own pace. Do you sign up?
One of the main charms of the main Balearic island is cycling. Alcudia is a charming town located near Pollença, where RentMarch is located, the best place for bike rental in Mallorca and motorcycle rental in Mallorca. Its strategic location makes it an incomparable starting point for cycling routes in Mallorca. Do you want to know which routes are the most attractive in the area?The best cycling routes in Mallorca starting in AlcudiaBelow, we have selected the best bike tours that you can take from Alcudia.To the Puerto de PollençaCircular route of 18 km in length.It connects Alcudia with the port of Pollença through Albufereta, Camino de Can Bregat and Cala de San Vicente.Reasonable difficulty.150 meters of unevenness.To Inca passing through PollençaExtension of the previous proposal.73 km long.High difficulty.It begins in the port of Alcudia and, after passing through this town, continues towards the port of Pollença and continues to Inca, passing through Pollença, Mount Tomir, the Monastery of Lluch and Selva.Once there, you return to the starting point through Sa Pobla.Camí de Coves BlanquesModerate difficulty.39 km in length.Historical character: walk a path built by republican prisoners during the civil war.Includes a visit to Cala San Vicente or Coll de Siller, whose views of Pollença are wonderful.To Cape FormentorMythical route, spectacular for its scenic surroundings.It is considered one of the best tourist routes in the world.It is a versatile option, which can be done in different ways and with different levels of difficulty.The most complete: high difficulty, 65 km and 1,350 meters of unevenness. It leaves Alcudia towards the Puerto Pollença, continues to Talaia d'Albertcutx and reaches the Formentor lighthouse.The most popular: medium difficulty, 80 km and 1500 meters of unevenness.To La VictoriaUndemanding route, with a family profile and in a beach environment.It is perfect for the uninitiated.35 km and 350 m of unevennessIt ends at S'Illot beach, spectacular for its crystal clear waters and unspoiled environment. It passes through the Puerto de Alcudia, Acunada, Es Mal Pas and the Ermita de la Victoria.Sa CalobraExclusively for professionals or experts.Extreme difficulty, 120 km long.It runs through the meandering Sierra de Tramontana and passes through Cala Tuent, Cúber and Gorg Blau.It can be further complicated by climbing Puig Major, the highest point on the Mallorcan island, at 1445 meters.As you can see, renting a bike in Mallorca from RentMarch, based in Puerto Pollensa, is the gateway to formidable cycling adventures. Go ahead and live these fabulous adventures!
Bike rental in Mallorca is a service that will come in handy when you want to enjoy cycling with friends. It is a resource that you have at your disposal if you do not have your own bicycle, or you prefer to try a new one.Next, we tell you some keys so that you can get a great out of cycling in Mallorca with your people. Pay attention.5 tips to make cycling in Mallorca a collective pleasureIn the following lines we are going to offer you some useful recommendations so that you can unleash your cycling passion around the Majorcan island. Put them into practice.1. Plan your route with transparencyThe routes that you can do with your bike through the island's geography are wide and diverse: urban routes, mountain routes, parallel to the coast... Likewise, you may prefer more demanding training sessions, recovery, recognition, competition, etc. This circumstance has to be clear so that each one can consider how they face, depending on their level, the sports day.2. Wear appropriate clothingIn the same way that you wouldn't go to work without your tools, you cannot face a cycling stage without the right sportswear and accessories. Apart from the helmet, you require the jersey and the bib shorts. Nor can the odometer, the bottle and other useful objects be missing.3. Ride safelyRemember that you have to comply with the traffic regulations when you go in a group with your bike. For example, don't forget to bring the reflective vest and the red taillight and the white front light. Make use, whenever you can, of the cycle path. If there isn't, use the hard shoulder and always go on the right side. Lastly, don't help create the feel of a platoon. You have to move in a row and, at most, in parallel with a partner.4. Be supportiveAlways face your outings with a predisposition to help your friends. It is worth not leaving anyone behind, as it is advisable to be attentive to problems that may arise en route. Carrying your mobile well charged favors any location.5. You may also need motorcycle rental in MallorcaThere are slopes in the geography of the island that can be more difficult to overcome. We therefore understand that its ascent can be difficult for beginners. In this sense, you can resort to motorcycle rental in Mallorca, since in our store we can provide you with some of the best models.In short, bike rental in Mallorca will be more profitable when you apply these tips that we have given you. Enjoying the bike safely and with your friends improves the cycling experience.
In this blog post from our bike rental shop in Mallorca, we would like to show you how you can get the most out of changing crowns, especially in the three most common exceptional situations that you have to face at full speed: the climbs, the descents, and the very sharp turns.It comes in handy if you're not used to riding steep areas with lots of level jumps as you learn to get the most out of your pedaling skills and not get stuck in the middle of the stage. Knowing how and when to use gears will help you get the most out of your bike.Cycling in Mallorca: how to face the climbsCycling in Mallorca is an activity widely used not only by foreign tourists but also by everyone who loves this sport. The island is full of spectacular landscapes and there are numerous routes that you can complete as a professional or a beginner.There are trails with a specific orography on which some climbs are pronounced. In these cases, it is best to anticipate them and make the change shortly beforehand, never in the full ramp. You have to give a quarter of a hard pedal to accelerate and get a little more speed.At this moment of inertia, you can reduce the pressure on the pedals so that the transition of the chain from one crown to another is practically empty. Never shift under extreme pressure as the chain could break.Change the crown on the descentsIn these circumstances it's advisable to slow down so as not to run out when you can get around with pedaling as the crown you used on the previous ascent is still locked in place. To find the best combination between chainring and sprocket, it's best to let your ear guide you.With that in mind, if you notice the chain is making too much noise, it's because it is working at an overly forced angle. So you need to change until the tension relaxes and the squeak completely goes away.What to do with hairpin turnsIn our shop, we also dedicate ourselves to motorcycle rental in Mallorca. These tips are also helpful when dealing with this type of vehicle. As we approach a tight turn, we recommend anticipating the change immediately before braking.Soar up a crown or two and this way you can get back to your speed and rhythm in seconds when accelerating after exiting. You should try this technique wisely until it instinctively comes out.In short, at our bike rental in Mallorca, we want you to improve your riding without risking accidents.
More and more people are betting on cycling in Mallorca since this island has excellent roads for cycling. This trend has led to an increase in bike rental in Mallorca in recent years, that's why we use these lines to tell you about this trend and the reasons why you should enjoy the island at the rhythm of pedaling.Why choose cycling in Mallorca by renting bikesMallorca is an island that offers many possibilities, both to residents and tourists, and not only in summer, since it offers different options and activities throughout the year. For this reason, it is normal that you see that people take the road bike a lot to do routes of enjoyment and also tourism.As we say, this has caused bike rental companies to notice an increase in demand in recent years, something that also affects motorcycle rental companies in Mallorca. However, you should know that to do cycling you must have a bicycle adapted to your possibilities, that's why we give you some tips so that this practice is not so complicated.The ideal bikeCycling on an island like Mallorca is indeed a good solution, but we have to stop and think about which bike is best for each one. For example, taking into account the aforementioned tourism or sport criteria, we will have to choose one model or another, in addition to taking into account the number of days that we are going to spend in the city.On our website, you can find a multitude of models for road, mountain, trekking, urban, electric, and even for children. So if you plan to come and enjoy our roads and highways, do not hesitate to contact us, tell us your plans and we will advise you on the bicycle that best suits you.In summary, bike rental in Mallorca offers you all these possibilities, although it is recommended that you follow these tips to determine which bike is best for your tour of the island.
Bike rental in Mallorca is a very interesting option to enjoy tourism in the most important of the Balearic Islands. But if you don't want to get so tired, you can also opt for motorcycle rental in Mallorca.We are going to start from the fact that you want to do a little exercise while you delight in the Mallorcan landscapes, so we are going to suggest some cycling plans in Mallorca that may seduce you. Pay attention.Motorcycle rental in Mallorca and bicycle rental to move around the islandFirst of all, we remind you that depending on the route you want to travel around the island, you can use a bicycle (road, mountain, trekking, urban, electric...) or a motorcycle. Also appreciate that knowing these leisure plans, many hotels offer you places to park them.Without a doubt, this circumstance will make your legs on two wheels more comfortable in the Majorcan territory. For example, did you know that you have more than a thousand kilometers of roads to enjoy cycling in Mallorca?Also, you have all kinds of paths. From the most mountainous of the Sierra de Tramuntana to some plains that stretch for kilometers. And you can even take a dip in the sections that run parallel to the coastline.In fact, it should not surprise you that several professional cycling teams choose to train in Mallorca. Its directors know that autumn is, along with spring, the ideal time to prepare for the season on their roads.On the other hand, the bulk of tourists leave the island, which makes both these routes and the rest zones and leisure quieter so you can complement your sports activities.Some routes for cycling in MallorcaFinally, if you like to go cycling, we want to suggest you some legs that you can carry out around the island. Take note of them:- The first of them runs through the south of Mallorca. We refer to the coves of Santanyí, next to the Es Trenc beach. It is a 40 km journey that you can do in about four hours. You will pass both the cliffs and near the sea.- From Palma to the Sierra de Tramuntana there are 60 km that you will be able to travel without having to endure excessive slopes. Despite its duration, you can focus this route on leisure, as you will pass through relevant towns, such as Calvià.- Finally, we recommend the leg that begins in Campos and ends in Artà. You will go through viewpoints and coves, in addition to delighting in the fauna and flora of the Mondragó Natural Park.In short, bike rental in Mallorca will adapt to your needs to combine leisure and exercise on the main Balearic island.
Bike rental in Mallorca has become an increasingly common option among visitors who come to visit the island. We can enjoy cycling in Mallorca on some routes and roads that offer spectacular paths, but on the bike, or if we choose to rent motorcycles in Mallorca, we have to respect the traffic rules. Only then we'll live a safe experience on two wheels, so let's remember the basic rules of movement for cyclists, don't miss it.How to circulate when cycling in MallorcaWhen riding on interurban roads, we'll preferably do it on cycling routes. If these don't exist, we have to ride along the right shoulder if it's passable or sufficient. If it's not, we'll go along the essential part of the road, always on the right. Of course, we can leave the shoulder on long descents with curves when we can do it safely. Remember that you're forbidden to circulate in a platoon, you have to go in line, at most two at a time, always in the right space.One aspect that many cyclists don't know is that we can ride a bike along the side of the dual carriageways, if it is not expressly prohibited. In that case, never leave the shoulder. When you arrive to an urban area, the traffic regulations are similar: you have to ride on the right side of the road, in a column of two at most, and signal maneuvers such as turns or when braking. In no case can we ride on the sidewalks, unless there's a bike lane on them.Security elementsIf we go by bike, the use of the helmet is mandatory. We cannot use any one, it will be an approved helmet. In addition, if we pedal at night we'll have to wear the appropriate lights and a reflective garment to be seen. The front light will be white and the rear light red. It's forbidden to use the mobile phone on the bicycle, and you cannot use headphones or similar devices Nor can you carry passengers, except children under 7 years old in approved seats, and you must respect the alcohol level of 0.5 g / l of alcohol in blood or 1.25 mg / l in exhaled air.Finally, it should be emphasized that we must respect the indications of the agents and the signals, both the traffic lights and the stops, yield, the zebra crossings or any other signal that we find along our route, both in urban and interurban roads . As you can see, the basic rules of cycling are very simple and there's no excuse for not complying with them. If you obey them, you can take full advantage of the experience of bike rental in Mallorca, and you'll ride safely on its roads.
That cycling in Mallorca is an activity that is trendy is something that no longer surprises anyone since a few years ago. This corresponds to a hobby that grows, in equal measure, nationally and internationally. Every day the number of people who opt for any type of cycling to have a healthy life and be in touch with nature is greater. What makes the cycling hobby bigger and the bike rental in Mallorca triggered?There are many circumstances that make Mallorca a special place for the growth of the cycling hobby. The important tradition of Mallorcan cyclists You may find familiar names like Guillermo Timoner, Miguel Mas Gayá, Juan Llaneras, Margalida Fullana, Carlos Díaz Codina, Albert Torres or Sebastian David Barceló. All of them are Mallorcan cyclists who, since the 60s and in the most diverse modalities, have reached the highest peaks of world cycling. This has been creating a tradition and a special ground in the native population, with numerous active cycling clubs encouraged by the most recent victories in 2014 of the world championship in track cycling starring Torres and Muntaner in the Madison test. Special cycling destination We know that the special Mallorcan orography and its mild climate have made the island one of the favorite destinations of those who opt for the modality of cycling tourism. Mallorca attracts more than 150,000 cyclists every year. The weather and the wide variety of routes are the main reasons for their choice. It's precisely autumn, the last blows of winter in February and all spring the favorite time of these cycling fans to make their routes on the island. Mallorca 312This cycling event has become a world renowned event for fans. It's celebrated in the month of April and in its 2017 edition brought together more than 6500 participants. Routes carefully and perfectly marked The important involvement of official organizations in the care of this attractive tourist modality has led to Mallorca having one of the best road infrastructure for the practice of this sport. These routes are classified by degrees of difficulty, being able to satisfy the demands of the most qualified professionals, but also the newest fans can find their tracks. Infrastructure and bike rental in MallorcaLodging, good communications, professional shops of great tradition, bicycle rental services in Mallorca with the highest quality, specialized guides and assistance are also important factors. We emphasize that cycling in Mallorca is booming. Either with your bike or with the bike rental in Mallorca you'll enjoy a unique atmosphere, incredible places and the greatest professionalism.
We can enjoy cycling in Mallorca 365 days a year, but for the experience to be complete we have to go prepared. Also, you can make routes in Mallorca by the sea or mountain, bring your bike or opt for bike rental in Puerto Pollensa. But, to roll safe, you have to protect yourself. The equipment for bicycles is very simple, and goes from clothes to tools and supplies.Bicycle equipment: what do I need?We start with the clothes. The ideal is to go with a cycling jersey and bib shorts, although if we talk about the rental of bicycles in Mallorca for an excursion it's enough to have comfortable clothes for sports. The same goes for footwear: shoes with cleats for automatic pedals or sport for conventional pedals. Depending on the time of the year and the weather, a raincoat or windbreak are needed, especially for descents.Gloves, glasses and helmet are essential. The gloves protect your hands in case of fall and scratch with the handlebars. The helmet - in addition to being mandatory for driving on the road - is a basic safety element. On the other hand, the glasses protect the eyes from the sun, the wind and the particles. If the clothes you have are not reflective or brightly colored, you can wear a reflective band so that other road users can see you.Before leaving we'll prepare the supplies, which will depend on the cycling route in Mallorca that we've planned. Don't forget the water, and if the journey exceeds 90 minutes you should bring salts, gels or bars. Before any unforeseen, don't forget to leave home with money and your documentation. Finally, you have to be foresighted and go out with a puncture repair kit, an inflator and the multitool to solve any mechanical problem.
Saying Mallorca is to talk about a lot of routes you can do with your scooter. There are a lot of types, so that you'll always find a route to do to enjoy this fantastic island that offers so many possibilities.What scooter routes do you have in Mallorca?Well, the truth is that this island has many to choose from, depending on what you're looking for. You just have to ride your motorcycle and burn wheel. However, we are going to show you three routes that you'll love.- The Northern Route: If you decide to take your motorcycle and do it, you'll visit the towns of Palma, Inca and Sóller. It's one of the best ways to know Mallorca. You'll enjoy the native landscape and the historic center of Inca, as well as Sóller, which is one of the most attractive villages in this area. Don't miss the port or the beach.- The South Route: This runs through Illetas, Santa Ponça and Andratx. On this route you'll discover the best beaches on the island. If you like nature, on this road you have the option to enjoy those coves, turquoise water beaches and the most popular city of the Mallorcan island, Andratx.- East Route (Alcudia - Ponllença - Manacor). In Manacor it's essential that you visit its historic center and pass through the towns with more history until you reach Alcudia. Actually, the route has just over 40 kilometers, and when you arrive to Alcudia, the sea will dazzle you with its beauty.Mallorca is a paradise where you have to dive to discover absolutely all its beauty and everything it has to offer. And, for that, a scooter is a perfect ally. So, are you ready?
Are you interested in the world of mountain biking? Then you are in the right place. Here we'll show you the characteristics of this type of bicycles, which you can find on our website if you want to rent one, as well as some of the best routes for you to pedal around Mallorca.It is a type of bicycle designed for mountain or countryside routes. It's also known as an off-road bicycle. It has a double suspension that gives cyclists the chance to reach places that were considered inaccessible, improving maneuverability and control over irregular terrain. That's why it's the perfect bike if you want to get away from the roads.Undoubtedly, the best area to make your MTB routes (another way of saying mountain bike) in Mallorca, is the Sierra de Tramuntana. In fact, it's one of the best places in Spain if you want to pedal while enjoying nature.In addition to those in Pollença, there are routes such as Sóller, Bunyola, Fornalutx, Esporlas and the Lluc Monastery that are worth visiting with our mountain bikes.If you visit the south of the Tramuntana, the best tours will help you to know beautiful villages such as Sant Jordi, Algaida or Llucmajor. On the other hand, the routes that pass through Calviá, Santa Ponsa, Andratx or Cap Andritxol will give you the possibility to take a refreshing swim.Before launching yourself on the route, you must calculate your strength and physical condition since there are routes that can last an hour and a half or even several days. So it's important that you know your possibilities and you'll increase the length of your routes over time. These tours can be done throughout the year, but the most recommended seasons are spring and autumn.From Pollença you can depart to any place on the island, but having the Sierra de Tramuntana so close allows you to visit places as spectacular as the Monastery of Lluc, linked by a path that is essential if you are a fan of MTB.We hope that with this article you will start your routes with the mountain bike in one of the most privileged areas of the world. Of course, don't forget to always bring good nutrition and hydration for the route. It's very important!
Cycling is a sport that has more and more followers every day. If you're reading this right now, it's probably because you also like to practice it. It has so many fans because it's very grateful, as we can notice how we improve our records much faster than with other sports. But sometimes, some people feel stuck and can't make progress. Here are some tips for you to enjoy your bike and get to be a better cyclist.-TRAINIt's the basis of any sport. You have to go out with the bike for a couple of hours for two or three days a week. If the weather is cold, between two or four weekly indoor cycle classes. This way you'll get to tone your body and get stronger.-EAT WELLA good diet is essential to face the loads of training and not faint. Think that food is your fuel, so elaborate a diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins, cereals, fruits and vegetables.-GET STRONGMany times a cyclist encounters prolonged climbs and you have to make great efforts for which you need strength and endurance. So you know, train in the gym with weights to increase your strength.-JOIN A GROUPJoin a cycling club so you can go as a group. You'll be more motivated and will help you learn from others. You'll share great moments and will make great friends.-GO WITH THE STRONGESTTry to go with people who are stronger than you and try to follow their pace to overcome your limits until you know yourself well. Effort is the only way to achieve results.-IMPROVE YOUR TECHNIQUEIt's very important to learn to control the bike in the terrain you roll. Curves, climbs, descents... Try to improve your technique section by section as many times as necessary.-KNOW THE ROUTEAnalyze the routes you're doing to get to know them well. This way you'll improve your technique, dosing your strength and valuing the training doses needed to evolve as a cyclist.With these tips, surely you won't take long to achieve better results in your routes. So you know, let's go!
We're back with the second part of this tips to have a route with your bike without problems. If you haven't seen the first part, take a look at it because it will surely interest you. Let's start!7- Bring several gels and energy barsYou spend a lot of time, effort and money on the road with your bike. Do not let dizziness bother you. In addition to hydrating, it's important to eat food that gives you energy.8- Don't forget the sunscreenThis point is very important, especially in the Mallorca's area where we have approximately 300 sunny days per year. Protect your skin well with a good sunscreen and use sunglasses if necessary too.9- Bring your own pedalsDo not misunderstand us, if you need some pedals, you'll be offered some. But many cyclists prefer to bring their own since they feel more comfortable when going on route.10- If you need to transport your bicycle to the route, you have different alternativesWhen you have your route selected, make sure you have the way to take your bike. You can rent a car or hire a transport company to take you there. Ask in our store and we'll advise you.11- Give yourself plenty of time for your routeEven if you're an expert, it's good to give yourself plenty of time to make your route, since you never know if you can take a wrong turn or if you're going to take longer than expected in some sections. The same goes for food and drink, it's always better to have plenty of it.12- Take your electronic deviceGarmin, Strava or even your Smartphone with the application of your choice. This way you can keep track of distance, pace, speed and much more. It's a good way to compete with yourself and achieve better goals in your next route.You already have everything you need to make a perfect route, when do we start?
Cycling has always been our passion, as for many of you. But it's a sport in which you have to be aware of some details before launching yourself on the road. Therefore, we have compiled some tips to enjoy this wonderful sport as it should:1- Book in advanceIf you're coming to spend a few days or weeks on our island and you need a bike, the best thing you can do is booking in advance, as we have a limited quantity and may happen that we don't have the size or some parts you need at your arrival.2- Make sure you have everythingWhen making your reservation, keep in mind that you have everything under control. If you are missing something (helmets, gloves, etc.), call us and we'll try to help you as soon as possible so that everything is perfect at your arrival.3- A map is always welcomeEven if you have your smartphone, it's always good to have a map. Ask for it and we'll offer you one when you come and pick up your bike. Also, if you want, we can suggest interesting routes and places that you will surely love to visit.4- Bring a tape measureWe recommend you bring something that will help you measure the saddle height, it could be a tape meter or a string cut to the correct length.5- Check the weatherBefore coming to Mallorca, check the weather well. This way you'll be able to know if you need lighter clothes or maybe you need some extra layers.6- Hydration is very importantA good Hydration is basic for cycling, so it's very important that you don't forget your bottle with water to accompany you all the route.Here ends the first part of our tips. We are preparing a second part that we'll post on our blog very soon.Until then, let's pedal!
With the arrival of the spring season, bicycles and cycling routes take centre stage on Mallorca in the form of the island's most prominent cycling races. Register now to enjoy fantastic rides through beautiful natural mountainous landscapes in the company of other cycling professionals or enthusiasts. You will enjoy some fabulous days cycling, outdoing yourself and being active in an exceptional climate.What are the four most prominent races in April in Mallorca?From the beginning to the end of the month, four popular bicycle races are organised in Mallorca. However, two of them are joined under the same name and divided into different route stages while the other two are easier in terms of distance.- The first race is known as Viva Cycling Sportive. It is planned for April the 7th although that date has not yet been confirmed. It involves 10.3 kilometres of cycling along the routes of Port Alcúdia, a beautiful port enclave in the northeast of the island.- Brevet Randonneur 300k Club Pedal Belori comprises 30 kilometres through the urban area of Palma de Mallorca on April the 13th.- The Mallorca Cycling Xperience takes place on the 14th and 21st of April. In the first week the route is 740 kilometres, passing through different areas, starting from the beach of Muro. The second week is 615 kilometres.- The international cycling tourist ride on the 27th is divided among three different races through the municipality of Muro, in routes ranging from 167 to 312 kilometres.So now you have it, the most prominent cycling races in Mallorca.Fancy registering and taking part?
In our bicycle rental shop in Puerto Pollensa (Mallorca), you will find the perfect road bike, whether you are an amateur or a professional, so you can enjoy an unforgettable cycling holiday in Mallorca. RENT MARCH for amateurs cyclistRent March specialises in bicycle rental for professionals, but also has a range of bikes aimed at the amateurs cyclist, so we can help all cyclists find their perfect bike.EMONDA SL6 DISC:All-carbon road bike rental with disc brake:for professionals who train on the island of MallorcaÉmonda SL 6 hits the sweet spot of value and performance in a carbon road bike. It has an ultra light OCLV Carbon frameset, a high-end Ultegra drivetrain, and a quality wheel set ? all at an exceptional price. It's a race-worthy climbing hero, and a serious option for a wide range of roadies. DOMANE SL5 DISC:Smooth riding, speed and versatility at great valueDomane SL 5 Disc is all about smooth riding, speed and versatility at great value. It's great for riders who want to make the jump to carbon, and want to get a lot for their money when they do, including disc brakes, a performance drivetrain and Front and Rear IsoSpeed.EMONDA SL 6:Emonda SL 6 standard road bike rental: for bicycle touring in MallorcaÉmonda SL 6 hits the sweet spot of value and performance in a carbon road bike. It has an ultra light OCLV Carbon frameset, a high-end Ultegra drivetrain, and a quality wheel set ? all at an exceptional price. It's a race-worthy climbing hero, and a serious option for a wide range of roadies. All these bikes are affordable high quality options for amateur cyclists.
Rent March, your trustworthy bike shop in Puerto Pollensa, is specialized on renting Pro bikes in Mallorca: we offer a huge variety of road bicycles for professionals to help you to find your dream bike! At our rental store in Puerto Pollensa we have a wide range of sizes for each bicycle and extras as disc brakes, carbon wheels and the possibility to choose your favorite pedals.Rental road bikes for professionals:TREK ÉMONDA SLR6:All-carbon PRO road bike made for professionals who train on the island of Mallorca!Émonda SLR 6 has the lightest road bike frame we've ever made. It pairs our ground-breaking 700 Series OCLV Carbon frame with a high-performance Shimano Ultegra drivetrain for feather-light performance that flies up climbs, handles with precision and is fully at home at the top of the podium. Pro bikers love this rental road bike due to its precise handling. Try it with Rent March and climb to the top of the podium!TREK MADONE 9.0 CARBON WHEEL:Top range carbon road bike super light for the most demanding professionals!Trek Madone 9.0 pairs the aerodynamics and ride quality of the ultimate race bike with the reliability of an full Shimano Dura-Ace drivetrain. It's built with our best Madone OCLV Carbon frame, Adjustable Top Tube IsoSpeed, integrated Madone aero rim brakes and Bontrager Aeolus Pro 3 Carbon wheels. This bike rocks! TREK ÉMONDA SL 6 DI2:Ultra lightweight road bike with electronic gearbox to give an extra for the most demanding professionals!Émonda SL 6 Di2 has all the advantages of an ultra-light carbon road bike. A full Shimano Ultegra drivetrain and front and rear thru axles make it a great choice for fast roadies who want the extra confidence of brakes that perform in any conditions. Feel like Alberto Contador before the Tour de France and choose the PRO Trek bike you like most!
Although for defenders of purer cycling electric bikes are an outrage that take the emotion out of cycling (and physical and mental resistance), the truth is that they are a growing trend and electric bikes are going to fly off the shelves in 2019!Therefore, we offer you electric bikes to rent in 2019: Trek Domane +, Orbea Keram 10 500W, FUJI E-Traverse 500W y Electric 400W E-Bike. Why rent an electric bike for your holidays in Mallorca?Electric bikes will become fashionable in 2019 among tourists who want to travel around Mallorca by bike without having to make an effort to peddle.E-bikes allow you to visit nearby beaches and towns without having problems when looking for a parking spot, with no sweating thanks to the light long-lasting batteries and they allow you to enjoy the breeze on your face during the ride. In Puerto Pollensa we have a variety of routes and bike lanes for you to enjoy with your Rent March electric bike!Electric bikes also for lovers of road cyclingE-bikes are not only aimed at tourists who want to pedal effortlessly!They are also ideal for cycling enthusiasts who may have trouble keeping up with their peers: due to an injury or not being able to train as much as they would have liked, having lost muscle tone in their legs, or because age is unforgiving and even less so if you surround yourself with cyclists younger than you, or because you want to cycle along the toughest routes in Mallorca even though you are an inexperienced cyclist...An electric bike for the road?? Discover the TREK DOMANE +!One of the latest e-bike models to hit the market in 2019 is the TREK DOMANE +. An e-bike that on first sight could be confused with a conventional bike thanks to the modern and cutting-edge aerodynamic design as well as the electrical system integrated in the frame.Domane+ is a drop-bar electric road bike that makes longer, faster road rides possible. A carbon frame with IsoSpeed and a stable endurance geometry, a powerful Bosch drive system, and a sleek design with integrated lighting features make Domane+ the ideal ride for cyclists who want speed, all-road performance, and endless style.
Sind Sie ein begeisterter Radfahrer, möchten Sie neue Strecken erkunden und in Gesellschaft atemberaubende Landschaften genießen? Dann könnte Radfahren in der Gruppe auf Mallorca das perfekte Erlebnis für Sie sein. Wir sagen Ihnen, warum:Gesellschaft und gegenseitige UnterstützungEiner der größten Vorteile des Radfahrens in einer Gruppe auf den unglaublichen Straßen Mallorcas ist die Gemeinschaft. Das Gefühl, Teil eines Teams zu sein, sorgt für gegenseitige Unterstützung und Motivation auf jeder Strecke. Egal, ob Sie einen anspruchsvollen Hügel bezwingen oder eine Abfahrtsgerade genießen, das Teilen dieser Momente mit anderen Radfahrern schafft eine einzigartige Verbindung.Sicherheit in der GruppeWenn es um die Sicherheit geht, ist es definitiv besser. In einer Gruppe ist die Sichtbarkeit auf der Straße größer, was potenzielle Risiken verringert. Außerdem sind Sie mit anderen Radfahrern im Falle eines mechanischen Problems oder eines anderen Missgeschicks nicht allein.Wirtschaftliche ZusammenarbeitIn eine Gruppe zu reisen hat auch wirtschaftliche Vorteile. Vom Fahrradverleih über den Transport (wir empfehlen Ihnen, einen Transfer vom Flughafen zu buchen) bis hin zur Unterkunft - wenn Sie sich die Kosten teilen, wird das Erlebnis für alle erschwinglicher und Sie können das Beste aus Ihrem Abenteuer auf Mallorca machen.Vielfältige Fähigkeiten und individuell gestaltete RoutenMallorca bietet eine Vielzahl von Terrains und Landschaften, die sich ideal zum Radfahren eignen. Die unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten der Teilnehmer in einer Gruppe ermöglichen es, die Routen an die Vorlieben und das Niveau der Teilnehmer anzupassen. Vom Anfänger bis zum Experten kann jeder sein perfektes Tempo finden.Soziale Erfahrung und gemeinsame EntdeckungenBeim Radfahren in der Gruppe geht es nicht nur um die Aktivität selbst, sondern auch um das gemeinsame Erleben und Erforschen. Neue Orte zu entdecken, Anekdoten auszutauschen und die Gesellschaft anderer Radbegeisterter zu genießen, bereichert das Erlebnis und schafft unvergessliche Erinnerungen.Und Sie, sind Sie bereit, die Wunder Mallorcas in guter Gesellschaft zu erkunden?
Puerto Pollensa (Mallorca), the town where our rental bike company was born, is the perfect destination for bike lovers: Mediterranean climate allows you to go pedaling almost every day of the year is combined with a great variety of cycling routes: astonishing mountain roads of the Serra de Tramuntana combined with smooth and flat routes of the interior of the island. Here we leave you, ordered from easiest to hardest, 5 cycling routes in Puerto Pollensa you shouldn't miss during your stay in our beloved town.5 cycling routes in Puerto Pollensa:From minor to major difficulty, here are a couple of cycling routes in Puerto Pollensa that you should not miss when you come to Mallorca:Cycling route 1: Puerto Pollensa - Cala Sant Vicenç - Pollensa - AlcudiaThis simple cycling route from Puerto Pollensa allows you to explore our town and neighboring Alcúdia ... besides being very flat, fun and beautiful!Leave from Puerto Pollensa gas station, located next to Rent March shops, and follow the Ma-2200 towards Pollensa by the bike path on the right, at 3'8km turn right to follow the road to Cala Sant Vicenç.This road full of curves but with not much inclination will take you to this paradisiacal corner of Pollensa, once you have enjoyed the views and wet your feet in one of its 4 beautiful coves head back to the Ma-2200 to get to Pollensa.Once there, or you can stop to enjoy the atmosphere of the old town of Pollensa or you can go to the rooster roundabout, next to the Pollensa Pavilion, where you can take the Ma-2201 to Alcúdia, also known as the Alcudia old road or Camí de Ca'n Bisanyes. Once you finish this beautiful road surrounded by farms and the Albufera wetland you must follow the signs for the Ma-13 to Alcúdia.Stop in Alcúdia to visit its walled enclosure and the Roman ruins of Pollentia or head to Puerto Pollensa on the Ma-2220 road that runs along the Pollensa Bay first line and enjoy sea views and the people doing kite and windsurfing.This route is quite easy so you can do it with one of our rental road bicycles, trekking bikes or even with one of our urban bicycles.Cycling route 2: Puerto Pollensa - Santuari de La Victória (Alcúdia)This beautiful cycling route in Mallorca northern area not only allows you to enjoy sea views at Pollensa Bay but also the Peninsula de la Victoria, located in Alcúdia, and its beautiful natural surroundings.Take the Ma-2220 from Puerto Pollensa to Alcudia. Follow the signs to "Alcúdia center" at the first roundabout you see once you have passed the Es Barcarés beach (recognizable most time of the year for being full of people practicing kitesurfing and windsurfing). Go past the Walls of Alcúdia and at the first traffic light go straight on Av. Princep d'Espanya until you reach another one where you must follow "Es Mal Pas / La Victoria" signs.Follow Carrer Xarxa to the urbanization of El Mal Pas, once you get to its marina you must follow the signs to "La Victoria" until you reach the beautiful asphalt road that will take you up to La Ermita de La Victoria. Do not forget to enjoy the views!For those who will find it hard to make the ascent to the Hermitage of La Victória, we recommend that you use one of our rental e-bikes with pedaling aid!Cycling route 3: Puerto Pollensa - Pollensa - CampanetTake the Ma-2200 from Puerto Pollensa to Pollensa and at the first roundabout follow the directions to "Palma" on this same road. After 6'1km, having left Puig de Maria and Golf de Pollensa behind, turn right towards the old road between Pollensa and Campanet. You will pass in front of the Ca'n Axartell winery, the famous Coves de Campanet and finally you will reach the peaceful village of Campanet. Stop there to rest and gather strength to return to Pollensa along this same road or passing through Sa Pobla by the road that joins these two towns along the highway.Our hire trekking bikes will allow you to do this route easily and venture along the paths that you will find between Pollensa and Campanet!Cycling route 4: Puerto Pollensa- Pollensa - Lluc SanctuaryTake the Ma-2200 from Puerto Pollensa to Pollensa and at the roundabout take the first exit towards "Sóller-Lluc" on the Ma-10 until you reach the monastery and Santuario de Lluc.Be aware! The unevenness of this cycle route near Puerto Pollensa requires that you use a rental road bike.This mountainous route will take you to travel 20 km away and 500m of altitude to reach a beautiful shrine, a place of pilgrimage for religious, curious who want to see the historic monastery and cyclists who train in the Serra de Tramuntana mountains.Cycling route 5: Puerto Pollensa - Cap de Formentor: the most desired cycling route in North Mallorca!On the ring road of Puerto Pollensa follow the signs for Formentor: you will arrive at the beginning of the most famous climb of Mallorca in less than 5 minutes and - if you want to enjoy the wonderful views that you they wait along the route- you will have to face the dreaded road of Formentor!Climb up to the Mirador de la Creueta and stop to enjoy the views of the Colomer and the Cap de Formentor or climb up to the Talaia d'Albercutx and dominate the north of Mallorca from this old defensive building. Once you have enjoyed the views, get ready to enjoy the descent to the Formentor beach and follow the road towards the Formentor Lighthouse, located at the northernmost point of Mallorca. There you can enjoy perfect views of its cliffs before returning to Puerto de Pollensa by the same impressive road.The Port de Pollença - Formentor route is one of the most popular segments of Strava in Spain and a route used by professional cyclists like Chris Froome, the Sky team or the triathlete Mario Mola.
Seit mehr als 30 Jahren vermietet Rent March Fahrräder und Motorräder im Norden Mallorcas: In unserem Verleihgeschäft in Puerto Pollensa haben wir Tausenden von Touristen, die ein "Erlebnis auf Rädern" auf Mallorca erleben möchten, Fahrräder für die Straße, Stadt, Berge, Roller, Motorräder und Trial-Motorräder vermietet! Um weiterhin den besten Service zu bieten, haben wir uns entschieden, unsere Website zu erneuern, damit Sie ganz einfach Fahrräder und Motorräder mieten, unsere Finca für Ihren Urlaub buchen und die besten Tipps zur Erkundung Mallorcas in diesem Blog finden können.Was finden Sie auf dieser Website?Auf unserer neuen Website finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Rennrädern, Mountainbikes (MTB), Trekkingrädern, Citybikes, E-Bikes und Kinderfahrrädern: In unseren 2 Geschäften in Puerto Pollensa haben wir ein großes Sortiment an Fahrrädern aller Art, damit Sie das auswählen können, das Ihnen am besten gefällt und Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Alle unsere Fahrräder stammen von den besten Marken, sodass Sie Mallorca mit höchstem Komfort und Eleganz genießen können!Auf unserer neuen Website finden Sie auch eine große Auswahl an Trial-Motorrädern, Custom-Motorrädern und Rollern: In unseren beiden Geschäften in Port de Pollença haben wir eine große Auswahl an Motorrädern aller Art, damit Sie das Modell wählen können, das Ihnen am besten gefällt und Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Fahren Sie die Straßen Mallorcas mit höchstem Komfort und Eleganz!Rent March: Finden Sie uns in Puerto PollensaRent March betreibt zwei Geschäfte für Fahrrad- und Motorradverleih in Puerto Pollensa: Ein kleines Fischerdorf, das sich im Laufe der Zeit zu einem der begehrtesten Ziele auf Mallorca entwickelt hat, dank seiner Schönheit und der Ruhe, die es ausstrahlt. Sie finden uns in der Calle Joan XXIII in Puerto Pollensa: Unsere beiden Geschäfte befinden sich ganz in der Nähe voneinander!